
Im a single mom and i had a son 5 yr old i live alone in California?

by Guest32598  |  earlier

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and nobody will going to help me taking care of him but i want to go to school in the morning usually classes starts at 8am and hes going to school too what should i do nobody will going to take him to school and pick him up does anybody know where can i get help goverment or something and at the same time i had financial problem too?




  1. I too was a single mom.  I started doing childcare in my home in the evening and when my children were out of school.  So I made money became the most popular weekend babysitter with a flat weekend rate that included food and I went to college taking classes at the time when my child was in school.

    It is the best solution.  It took me 10 years to get a bachelors degree but it worked for me.

  2. Contact the  family services agency in your area as well as your local school district. They should be able to direct you as to where to get additional information.

  3. Have you tried Head Start?    Your case worker.

  4. well go to the walfare clinic and get the indepent family program that will pay for day care it should pay for after school programs bc that is a type of day care. why can't he ride the bus? or just take him to school on your way to school or self. but if you get the family program then he will stay after school and that will take care of that. The school might  even have a free after school program you should talk to your kids school and see.


  5. don't you have friends near by or really good neighbours that will take him to and from school am sure they would gladly help u with your son if you don't as u will never know will u.

  6. A lot of schools have day care in them you can drop the child off early to school, and they have after school programs also. most of which do not cost.  Check with your local school district and see if they offer these programs.  Many colleges also offer day care, your child could be picked up there and dropped off there after school by the school  bus.  

    If there is a cost, most schools offer a certain number of people who are low income to receive financial aid to join programs.  

    You just need to check with your school district to see what they offer.   Is kindergarten all day or a half a day there?  if it is all day you really shouldn't have to leave him long in day care so it shouldn't cost that much.  maybe  a hour or two a day.  

    You  should contact you local social service department they have many programs that could possibly help in your situation.  You could also apply for a government grant  to help you pay for college.   A loan you have to pay back, a grant you do not.  

    All you have to do is look in the right direction, social services can help you with all these questions.  They can lead you in the right directions and tell you who to contact to get the information you need.

    You could also try looking things up online.  Go to your schools website most of them have them they will give you a list of before and after school programs available.  You could also go to the college site and do the same thing see what types of programs they have for single parents.  

    Good luck and I hope you find the programs you need.

  7. get section 8 housing that will help a lot and then check with your local church's for help also --

    check on links below please

  8. You should  write an ad on a local website seeking morning help. You'd need to clarify how many hours you need etc and decide if you wanted someone experienced or not.

  9. call your local department of social services they have grants that you dont have to pay back to help you pay for child care and books for school and transportation. Its called cal works program

  10. You may be able to find night classes or classes that are over about the same times as his. Maybe. But if it's a matter of money I would just wait for a while before going back to school so that you won't have to worry so much about your finances. That's what my mom did.

  11. Some schools have a childcare facility on them. If you don't make much money, you can apply for childcare with DHS.

  12. Go to your local welfare office, and explain to them that you are a single mother, and a full-time student. Let them know that you are needing assistance with paying for child care. There are many programs that help.

  13. You can call welfare or social services, they should beable to point you in the right direction.

  14. go to the welfare dept to see what they can help you with.  you know some schools offer free before and after school programs for people who work.  maybe even daycare, they will pick him up from school and take care of him until you are off of work.

  15. You need to call Social Services to get signed up for assisatance. There are different options for you. Since the California state does not require your child to start until the age of 6 you can either have him in the daycare at the college or another Preschool. You can sign him up to start Kindt this year and have plenty of time to do yoru classes in between. They do have bus service to and from school at some daycare centers so you may want to check into that.

  16. Wait another year until he starts first grade.  What's another year or two when it comes down to your child's best interest?  School will still be available to you then.


  18. He's eligible to be enrolled in Kindergarten for the upcoming school year.

  19. See if you can take classes while he's at school and get out before he gets out, so you'll still be able to pick him up.  Talk to the school and see if they've got any before- and after-school programs.  Contact your state Department/Division of Family Services and see what is available for single, low-income mothers.  Nobody is going to do this for you.  When you're a single Mom, you have to be a self-starter.

  20. you could always drop him off early then go to school.  Or just wait till you have better timing like him being older and able to take care of himself

  21. If you are talking about going to college, many California community colleges offer day care. I attended a community college and a University and they both offered day care. It was cool to see Moms dropping off the kids then going to class. The kids are right there on campus with you and they are behind a fence. The kiddie play areas were grassy and clean and made me wish I was a kid!

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