
Im a single parent and sometimes it's hard

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ok i broke up with my boyfriend 3 months a go we have two kids together i don't want to be with him but it sucks and breaks my heart cause my kids dont have there mom and dad together and it's hard being a single parent i know i can do it but sometimes it's hard will it get easier?




  1. If he's in their lives they will get over him not being there all the time.

    Being a single parent isn't always easy ..... but it's easier than being in a relationship that no longer works.

  2. My kids are 5 and 7 and my boyfriend left when I was 3 months pregnant with the little one and he hasn't visited or called in about 4 years.  He** yes it's hard but it does get easier.  The worst was when I was seriously sleep deprived with a newborn and a toddler.  It does get hard when they ask about why daddy isn't around but for me what works best for all of us is to get into a routine and somewhat of a schedule.  I'm not rigid about it but it helps keep us all knowing what's coming.  Seriously, I know what you are going through and would love to be a support if I can, e-mail me.  The important thing is not to go back to him just because it seems easier, in the long run it won't be.

    Best of luck!!!! Let me know if I can help.

  3. Well I've been doing it since I was about 3 months pregnant and it hasn't gotten any easier for me.  I feel the same, I don't want to be with her dad, but it does break my heart that she won't have the same kind of family that I grew up with.  He's not in her life anymore at all, and that bothers me whenever she goes around asking for da-da all the time.  Hopefully as they get older it will get easier!

  4. 7 years ago my husband walked out on me and my to kids i had no idea why still to this day i still dont know why it was so hard he left me me with all this debt he would not pay child mattenece i gave up alot of things just to feed and clothe them i would go to bed each night crying my eyes out cause they wanted him home as time went along i got out of debt we had more money then my to kids got uesed of there mum and dad not being together it was good in one way when he left cause we did more things together i took them more places the weekend was take away nights and we would get a heap of dvd and watch together it was great we had formed this great bond so hang in them in time it will get better 7 years on i am with someone new i have had to more kids i still have a great bond with my first to they are now 13 and 12 they have turned out fine im very pround of them and we love our new life but i would not change a thing what i went threw made me a stronger person and me and my 2 kids did have some great times i hope this helps

  5. Being a parent isn't easy.

    I'm a single mom, but now I do live with my boyfriend.  I've found that after years as a single mom, some habits never die - I'm used to taking my son every where with me & doing everything by myself.  After 5 years of divorce, I still feel guilty for breaking up my son's family but it really was for the best.  So, honestly, it never gets easier, you just adapt & the hard work becomes a habit and it doesn't seem like hard work, it just seems like life.  You will learn to accept & enjoy your life.  My mom did it with 4 kids and I never once felt like she resented it.

    You'll be okay.  It's hardest right now because it hurts the most.

  6. In the beginning it will be hard but later on everything will be OK.


  7. My mom has been a single parent my whole life. From a childs point of view we respect you. They are going to know how hard you work and thats what their going to respect. I dont even know you but i respect you because you seem strong enough to be a single mom, handle the demands. It takes a strong women to even think about being a single mother.

  8. do not believe  in relationships okie they always hurts ...... my bro do the same thing with my bhabhi in germany now he is calling me i broke up every relation with him ...... a person who left his family i do not thing he will be happy with anybody in this world stay alone and enjoy life ...... i pray to god he will give you a great person in your life very soon ....... never attached so much with anybody coz they will take advantage of your feelings ......

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