
Im a soccer stud and im sure i could be a baller too?

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im really good at small but have alotta quick as well and have good ball control and can pass and shoot only a freshman and im on my soccer team (JV).what skills do i possess to become a decent basketball player?i have a hoop in my backyard and i just shoot around with my friends or maybe 3 on 3 or something like that.i wanna go out for my high school team this winter and i know soccer will help me with that.what skills should i work on as well?thanx=]




  1. try being a point gaurd  

  2. Basketball is a bit harder than soccer (I have played both). If you want to be a great basketball player you would have to get very good at layups, 3 pointers, and perimiter defense.Since you are small you would most likely play a PG or SG position. So, work on your jumper and your good to go!

  3. i made varsity for soccer my freshman year how much of a stud are you?

  4. You could be a good ball player also. If you practice and work on your basketball skills. Look at Steve Nash he is a stud both in basketball and soccer.

  5. wow,your just like me..haha i played basketball since i was 8 and i am now a senior in highschool,and i just recently joined my soccer team this is actually my second year doin it..and i know my bball skills helped in soccer so i know soccer will help with bball..stamina is VERY important in bball and quickness is too..its not like your a virgin to bball i mean if you shoot around and play 3 on 3 your pretty set..go for it and try out, i mean just work on your dribble skills first a bit and do some jump rope and you should be set:)

  6. if you can flop then your in man!!

  7. soccer is for girls and girls cant play basketball

  8. well, soccer players are usually disadvantaged in the basketball court because of height. but on the other hand, all our soccer training build endurance and stamina that could be an andvantage on the court. there are certain positions you could play where you can you won't be beaten because of your height. point guard maybe?

  9. work on ur dribling and try to practice rebounding

    also work on ur passing more

    P.S. try to grow lol

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