
Im a sophmore in high school and never swam on a swim team in my life, could i start and be decent on a team?

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Im a freshman in highschool and going to be sophmore. I have never swam on a swim team before but love the water and have always ben an active swimmer during the summers. Would I still have a chance to join the swim team and be half decent?




  1. You sound just how i was entering sophmore year and I turned about to win my event in conference. Depending on if how good your school is but if even if your school is good I believe you can without a doubt :)

  2. Yes. If you work very hard at it and show you coach that you will listen and not talk back, you should be fine. If you stay on the team until your a senior, you shouldn't have any problems what so ever. You will be alot better.

    And swimming is soooo healthy for you, even if you don't become really good, just the fact that you are doing it will help you. I know a guy who was on the swim team for only three years, and many years after that, he took a physical test and was one of the best just because he swam. (gives you healthy heart and lungs!) <3

  3. This is not supposed to sound mean. But i actually don't think you could. Maybe over the summer join a local club and be sure you want to be in the sport and along the way they will help you with the basics. Then if you decide you love the sport and want to stick with it join the swim team at your school. I am only saying this because i am also a freshman but i have been swimming on a team since I was 7. Last year someone who had never swam before joined the team and slowed us down a little. I'm not saying your horrible but get a little experience before going all out. Best of luck and hope you enjoy the sport. It's a good one!

  4. Yeah, probably. There are a lot of people on my high school's team that haven't swam on a team before high school either.

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