
Im a sophomore taking a freshmen class help!?!??!?!?!?!?

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i failed a class last year and now im taking it again with the freshman. ugh,i'm so pissed cuz i have to walk all they way over to the freshman building(which means i migh be late too) and sit in a room full of immature freshman who think they the!??!?!...and no it wasnt english i just dont feel like using commas and c**p lol




  1. Seriously... if you didnt think of yourself the "ish" then you wouldnt be in this mess... don't go around trashing freshmen. If you would stop worrying about other people, you wouldnt be in this mess!

    answer mine:;...

  2. u shouldnt have failed in the first place but yea i understand im a sophmore and it would suck to be stuck with the freshmen u should just make friends with them since ur gonna be stuck with them for the next 4 years

  3. threaten to kick their asses if they are smart with you

    Remember, you are the sophmore, its *** kickin time

  4. think of this as a learning experience so that this wont happen again but if you really want to leave that class talk to your school counselor  if you can make up for that class in like maybe after school classes or night classes that way you can be with your friends in main campus instead of being with the freshmen

  5. haha you are dumb....wait so am i....*sob*

  6. You should get to know the freshmen.  They're only (at most) a couple years younger than you are, and it's not so bad.  

    You'll look smart, too - you've already done the work once.  Just don't do their work, that would be lame.

    I'm a senior, and I still don't mind the freshmen.

  7. forget about them!

    like you said they're immature so just get on with the schoolwork and ignore them (:

    you can always explain to your teacher that you were coming all the way over from the sophomore building and will probably be late quite often because of this.

  8. Wow, you were just a freshman a few months ago. Just because you're ALMOST a sophomore doesn't give you the right or seniority to act better or more mature than the freshman.

  9. .... immature.... im pretty sure you cant call someone immature for being one year younger than you.... but anyways.... you should have went to summer school for it.

  10. So...whats your question?

    And thats wierd, my friend failed English so she has to take it with the Freshmen. (Yay us, Sophomores).

    Get to know some of them, youll be popular in the freshman world, haha. But yeah, try harder this time so you dont get put there in your Junior year. O_o That would kinda suck.

  11. well it taught you a lesson at least....focus on school so you won't go through this again...

  12. Haha lol i thought it was english =]

    But yeah just don't fail again or else you'll be stuck there again next year. There's nothing much you can do about it but i don't think the freshman kids will be THAT bad. Live with it.

  13. well, hate to say it, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do... just work harder this time... and remember that last year you TOO were one of "them", don't be so judgemental... you made a mistake and now you have to deal with it... get over it.

  14. Who told you to be an immature freshie and not take it seriously. There's nothing you can do. Shouldve took summer school  

  15. you're only one year older than them, they cant be too much more immature, make friends with some of them, they might be cool

  16. well then run. its good excersize plus you might make good friends. i am in the same position as you i just failed physical education because i didnt dress in the correct uniform and the teacher hated me when i broke my arm and couldnt participate for 2 months. So just think of it as a time to make new friends. lol.


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