
Im a stay at home mom and have been for 3 years...i have 2 little kids (both under 5)?

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I live indiana...i cant work at all because i have no body that can watch my husband works and i want to get a divorce but i dont have the money or a place to go plus i dont want to loose my kids. I dont know anyone here...i cant afford child care and he wont pay for it...are there any web pages that i can look at to get some type of help... or any pages that tell me the laws on leaving the state with my kids and how to make sure everything is legal..?




  1. Heres a link on divorce law in your state.

    In relation to starting a new life, in your position it needs to be slow. Do your kids go to nursery or pre school yet? If so, you need to find a job within these hours...even if it's cleaning or any other manual tasks, it's a start and it will build your self esteem by having some income for yourself. It's also a good way to get out of the house and meet people.

    If not, what about doing some kind of basic night ECDL (learning how to use office applications) so you can study and be certified by the time your kids are in school.

    Don't give up hope. There is always something to work towards.  You need clarity. Understand what you want first and then slowly work towards.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  2. I have to tell you that You need to get a job. Ask yourself why you want a divorce. Hopefully its for a serious reason and not a frivolous one. You won't be awarded the kids if you can't pay for their expenses. are you happy? Can you make yourself happy? Are you expecting him to make you happy? If so you have a problem. Only you can make yourself happy.

  3. I wish the word "divorce"  was only a fiction.

  4. as long as you didn't sign a pre-nup then you'll get $$ from the divorce. Since you have been staying at home with the kids, you'll probably get custody of child need to go to legal aid  

  5. I know this is not answering your question but is your husband abusing you or cheating on you? If not then I think you should be looking for marriage counselors to save your marriage. If it is because of abuse then go to the police. Establishing a history of abuse will help you very much.

    If you leave him you may qualify for help from the government like section 8 housing and free daycare. I am not sure on how to go about this but you can contact someone at your local office for advise on how to proceed.

  6. if you leave the state with the kids it would be kidnapping, do a search on free legal council in indiana see what you come up with, also go to this web site, this is for the YWCA phone number is 812-422-1191 even if they are not in your area they can advise you as to where there is a YWCA in your area, if he is abuseing you go to the police. also try to confide in a family member from your side maybe they will help you, just do not leave the state with them. good luck!

  7. leave sometime late in the niight, (24:00) with your kids, and go and live with a friend or family member, (its just an idea)>x

    good luck, i really feel fro you!...x

  8. In a divorce he would have no choice but to help with child care.  You should contact the court house and find out how to get free legal aid to help get everything legal.  As far as leaving the state of Indiana with your kids you need the courts permission.  You would qualify for help with child care, ins, food, and most likely housing.  The only way to find out is to contact the people on the link below.  You can search for what you need to know like food stamps, child care ect...

  9. a social worker, or a therapist, theyre not just for crazy people, they can help is tough situations, they always have good ideas, and they know whos out there.

  10. Why are you divorcing him? Get a babysitter and start working because if you divorce him, he will have custody of the kids because he works and does things

  11. Incredible- when reading that, I felt like I was reading something I'd written! Right down to the state you're from! The only difference is that my kids are all older than 5, besides my one yr old.

    Anyway, I found this page for you:

    I wish I would have seen this before I moved out of state years ago. It would have saved me and my oldest daughter a lot of hassle. My abusive husband gained custody when I moved. (luckily, I did gain custody back)

    When your kids are old enough, you can enroll them in the Boys and Girls Club while you work. It's VERY affordable and a great atmosphere for them.

    I hope this helped. Best of luck to you.

  12. is the situation very worse that is leading to divorce?

    u care for u'r kids but thinks that u'r kid will not demand father's love?

    why not sort out the problem and live happily

    for this case consul a councellor

    preferably marriage councellor.

  13. Call around until you find help..good looks like some of the other people gave you some good web pages.

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