
Im a teen mom 17 yrs old and my son is 7 months ?

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now im 5 wks pregnant and im not ready to go through this all over which this is my last year of school im a cheerleader and i have goals set for my decsion is to get an abortion, but my mom dont believe in the i do and thats what i want but if i do she go put me out..what should i do




  1. umm right.

  2. It is a hard decision to make, but it is your own choice.  Please make sure you will never regret it.  Goals in life often change even without children involved.  Are you absolutely sure your goals cannot include a child?  If your mom is willing to help you out, maybe you need to reconsider your choice.  Or at least weigh the options available to you.  If you are only 17 your mom cannot legally throw you out of the house without having the law intervene.

    Good luck to you!

  3. If you keep the baby will your mother support you and the new baby? or more supportive of an abortion? think about it and talk with her about it. She will point you in the right direction.

  4. you should do whats right for you huni, it isnt your mum thats going to be looking after the child the most. It is a big responsiblity to take on two young children at 17 but other people have done it and made the most they could out of their lifes.

    You should take a long think about it as if you get an abortion and regret it it will be the worst mistake you ever make

    hope this helps good luck  

  5. I'm 17 and I have an 8 month old.

    I wouldn't be able to do it all over again. Wow, it's a hard decision. Have another baby or be put out. If I were in that situation, I would choose to be put out. Good luck with your decision. I hope you can get through this. All the best!

  6. meet her halfway. give up the child for adoption. most people feel very strongly about abortion, it is murder no matter what they tell you. so don't be surprised it you get some very nasty answers. usually i'm very touchy with the subject, but i hope you make the right decision.

  7. i dont think you should get an abortion. i'm not trying to make you feel like a bad person for doing that but i think its wrong. you dont have to keep the baby if you have it. you can give it up for adoption. or you can choose to keep the baby and get involved with Teen MOPS. its a group specifically for teenage mothers. try it out

  8. If you get put out, where will you go? who will support you? If you have financial things stable then do what you do and what you think is best for you. Now If that is a problem try and talk with your mom. But have you ever heard of taking responsibility for your actions? I know its a messed up thing to say but it is very true. If you have family willing to help you and make things easy for you, I suggest to go with the comforts given. Good Luck! hope all turns out well.

  9. Just think, you'll be a grandmother at 34.  By then, you'll have about 20 kids.  Wow.

  10. Y do you want to kill a baby? a unborn child is living. it has feelings. I think your mom is right i would carry on having the baby but i would give it away for adoption once it was born if you don't want it. Don't kill it because you decided to have s*x. It was your decision now you have to face the consequences.

  11. abortions are disgusting as so are you if you get one, try not having s*x anymore until your ready to possibly pregnant.

  12. Depending on your morals and your own personal thoughts, you will have to make a decision to abort the baby, (keep in mind after certain amount of weeks you have been pregnant, the baby can feel the abortion), give it up for adoption, or keep it. As a teen mother you are probably under a lot of stress and getting kicked out of your house would not be could for your 7 month old, your baby in your belly, or you. Abortion seems like a bad decision thus far. Giving the baby up for adoption is a decision that a lot of teen mothers make. There are adopting parents who are willing to let you get to the know the baby as it grows up and will send you pictures frequently. Keeping the baby is another decision. If your mother is going to help support you and your two children, keep it. Do what you think is your best. Only you can make the best decision for your self. Good luck and God Bless!

  13. Wow. Am I sensing some bias here or what? Alright, I am going to be up front about this. I have never been pregnant. I cannot fully understand your situation, because it hasn't happened to me. But I will try my best.

    So you have three potential options:

    1) Abort the pregnancy and get kicked out.

    2) Have and raise another child, leaving your plans for the future behind.

    3) Carry the baby full term and give it up for adoption, leaving you with little time to enjoy your senior year.

    So now let's think of the consequences of each option:

    1) Abortion is a subjective thing. Don't let anyone force their beliefs on you. It is your decision to make. If you believe that abortion is infact killing a baby, then that probably is not the right decision for you. If you believe that life begins when you are born, then maybe this is a realistic option. Here are the pros and cons assuming you have no passionate feelings regarding abortion:


    -Because you are only five weeks pregnant, the only one that would have to know (except anyone you have already told).

    -You continue to live your life and pursue your goals without needing to care for another child.


    -If you are over 18, you could be kicked out. If you are under that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE. Your mother has a legal responsibility to care for you until you are eighteen.

    - You would likely lose the financial support of your mother either way. You would need to find a way to support you and your son, while still in school.

    2) Let's face it. It will not be easy to be a teenage mother of two. There is no way around it. However, if you are willing to love and care for the child as your own.


    - You retain your living, financial, and support systems.


    - You must give up many aspects of your senior year. If you are five weeks now, there is no way you will be going to prom or walking during graduation.

    - You must physically raise another child. No matter what kind of support you have, it is still YOUR child. You will be their mother for their entire lives. Not anyone else. You will need to dedicate your future to your kids.

    3) Adoption is always an option, and it may be a good way for you and your mother to compromise.


    - Your mother would be more satisfied with this, and if you were to have an open adoption, then she could still be grandma if she wanted.

    - You would be free to pursue your future goals after you have given birth.


    - You would lose the end of your senior year. If you only cheer in the fall, you could probably still do that, as you would barely be showing, but after that, it will get hard.

    Just remember that this is your decision. It is not your Mom's decision and it is not the decision of the people on Y!A. It is a choice you must make for yourself.

  14. Have the baby and give it up for adoption.You had the first one and youre still in school right?

    Then get your tubes tied or go on birth control so it wont happen AGAIN

    Go to planned parenthood,so you can learn more about what happens when you have s*x and dont use protection properly

    Last,stop having s*x until you live on your own,have a job,and can afford to take care of another kid

  15. You need to figure out whats best for you. Also either way you need to start using birth control. At 17 with one child you should know what causes pregnancy and also have the knowledge of how to prevent it. Nobody can decide whats best for you then you. Just remember you have to live with your decision for the rest of your life so it has to be something your ok with.

  16. im sorry that trojan man and your morals failed you :[

    *amazing grace plays in the backgroun  

  17. Did you try not having s*x? You made a mistake. TWICE! and i bet that your boyfriend broke up with you after your first kid, and you got a new man, right? This is what happens when you don't wait until marriage! Your going to do what you have to do.  and that's have a baby!

    I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really anti s*x b4 marriage, and my 18 yr old cousin and my 22 yr old cousin (both are not married) have had babies this year! and my other cousin is on birth control, which causes brest cancer!

  18. Your fault u have alot going for you then y u do it??

    I guess you do what u want because u had a baby like u wanted so now your turn to deciede again like u WANTED all along..!!

    HAHA your acting like n adult dude your a teen But ur mom doesnt help you so now you help yourself becuz ur a mom?

    You make ur own desicions i guess...


  19. wow... that's really sucks, but now you have to make a decision and soon.  if you want to get a abortion because of school and you have a plan for yourself, then i would go get it.  i would never get one except for certain situations, but it's your body and nobody can stop you, and the fact is, almost 1/3 of women that are 18-45 have gotten one in their lives, whether it was by choice or medical reason.  if you want to be pregnant around the time of graduation, then you can do it.  it will be hard raising both of them.  so you can either get an abortion, adopt the baby (which your mom can't stop you cause it's YOUR baby) or keep the baby.

    just do what you want to do and what would be the best for you and your son. but lay off on the s*x for a while, i'm a junior in high school, and haven't had it, and don't plan to for a while cause i don't want kids yet.  whatever you choose, it's your choice and no one can stop you from doing it.  go to a planned parenthood for some more advice.

  20. Honestly, first you should stop having s*x or learn the proper ways to use protection. I think its really selfish that your reasons for not having this SECOND child is because YOU have goals. What about your other child? Theres adoption you can do. Yes, you may have to stop being a cheerleader, but its better than being on the street with you innocent and helpless17 month old. I believe in abortion, but if you consider the alternatives, Id go adoption.

  21. adoption;...

  22. this may sound mean but i have a 3 year old i had him when i was 17 i learnt the first time and just prevented it from happening again. After the first time i learnt it CAN happen. But now your in that situation again which i know is SOOOO scary it really has to be up to you coz your the one living with the decision not your mum. Do wgats best for you. You know the reality of having a baby and its hard imagine 2. If you dont think your up for that life of 2 kids toilet training at the same time and tantrums and money problems then dont. Just make sure its best for you. I couldn not imagine havin 2 rite now! im only just gettin my licence!!! you have to basically start your life twice. And thats with one. Good luck i realy hope it works out for you.  

  23. What you do is you make the decision for yourself and then live with the consequences.  If in the bottom of your heart you really feel like an abortion is the only option for you, then do it.  You'll just have to figure out what to do about living arrangements for you and your son.  Perhaps you could come to a compromise with your mother.  You could give the baby up for adoption if she'll continue to house you and your son through the pregnancy.

  24. If you think this is rude, I'm sorry, but didn't you learn your lesson on birth control the first time around? If you know you can't handle the second child and you think abortion is the right idea, get one. If your mom won't let you give it up for adoption. You have to do what's right for your future.

  25. give the baby up for adoption.

    abortion is hard... they have bad mental side effects.

  26. Hey there Cece,

    First off, have the baby. Without a question, have the baby. What you do after, (putting it up for adoption, etc.) is up to you. If you have an abortion, you will live with the guilt for the rest of your life. I never see killing a baby as an option.  

  27. Let me get this want to kill your unborn baby because 1. you were irresponsible when it came to birth control. and 2. Because cheer leading is more important?

    I think for one you have alot more lean-lent parents then I had because if I would have a child at 16 or 17 there wouldn't be cheer leading or even time to have have s*x again. I think you need to sit down and talk this out with your parents, and the father of the baby. He should have some say too!  Adoption is a great option for you right now. And you can do it so you will still get pix and things like that from the family.

    Also really think could you look at your son every day for the rest of your life and think wow I killed your little brother or little sister?  Your parents (mom) sounds like she so supportive if she isn't making you do this why would? Right now your only thinking about yourself. Do you have any clue how much this will hurt your mom. And how much guilt you will have later on?

    GOOD LUCK on what ever you choose

  28. do what you think is right... Its your baby not hers... (even though I'm against abortion) Its your baby and your body and nobody can tell you what to do with it.

  29. I think you should keep the baby. No abortion and dont give the baby away either. You will feel bad after if you really do that. I hope you keep the baby its not so bad. Your mom sounds like she will help you so please just keep the baby.

  30. You should consider adoption, but quite honestly, you should have thought about it before you had s*x and got pregnant a second time.

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