
Im a thirteen year old girl.Recently when I stand up I get dizzy and my eyes are blurry.It goesawayafter 10sec

by  |  earlier

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I've started jogging 2.5 miles outside a couple months ago and have lost some wight from it.




  1. look up "postural hypotension" or "orthostatic hypotension" on the web.the terms are synonymous.relax.its a common and non-serious problem.just stand up slooooowly!

  2. It could be that you're tired and that causes you to get dizzy, but if it's really bothering you I would go to a doctor just to make sure.

  3. Go see your doctor.  Might have something to do with your bloodpressure.  Whatever the reason your doctor needs to to diagnosis whatever is the cause.

  4. Your getting lightheaded. I get this from time to time but usually it is because I'm lightheaded or sick. Make sure you are eating enough. If your are healthy and eating enough and it happens constantly make an appointment with your doctor just to be safe.

  5. I get it too. It's nothing, just being dizzy. To avoid this try to get up slowly from sitting or laying down. It's just from the sudden blood flow to your head.

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