
Im a thirteen year old who wants to earn money over the summer?

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im thirteen years old and i really want to earn money over the summer what jobs could i do to get some money im not an experienced lawn mower-er so what else could i do please help thanks in advance




  1. basically nothing will get you a lot of money if your only 13....

  2. you could babysit. you could also walk dogs and take care of pets in your neighborhood. i know it's boring but you could always do chores around the house. one thing i like to do when i need money (but you can't do this too often) is i make flyers and distribute them around my neighborhood in people's mail boxes and just say i am trying to earn money and i can do jobs around the house or stuff with animals and stuff like that. and put your phone number. but make sure that's ok with your parents if you do that.

  3. DIDO I need a job !!!!!!!!

  4. Get mowing jobs

  5. lemonsde stand, pet sitting, babysitting, pet walker

  6. Ask businesses if you could pick up their trashed lots for a set pay/hr.

  7. haying will get you at least 6 dollars an hour and you will  make about 150 dollars a week try doing that.

  8. See if they have a program called Tree Trust in your area!

  9. hmm... did you know you could make money online?

    like these websites:

    in 15 minutes you could earn 1- 20 bucks.

    and you could start babysitting,

    walking dogs,  and pet sit.

  10. Babysitting, house sitting, walking dogs, bathing dogs, running to the grocery store for people, garage sale, play the" i bet you cant hit me with that quarter" game [you grab the quarter and run off] pan handle, jk.

  11. -Well you could work at your community center canteen

    -You could wash someones windows

    -You could deliver papers to houses

    -And if your desperate maybe join a neighbourhood garbage clean up thingy XD

  12. Get a newspaper route. There aren't much options for 13-year olds. You usually have to be 16 to get a small job. It's really rare even for a 14-year old to get a job, but all I can think of is a paper route of a flyer delivery boy =)!

  13. camp counselor, babysitting, house sitting, dog sitting...

    if it can be sat it can get a 13 year old money :)

    thats what i'm doing

  14. Good luck. Try mowing lawns, babysitting, dogsitting, idk. that's what i did.

  15. ask your family if they need help with an event... or simply go volunteer at TEEN clubs!!

  16. you could sell your self- no but in all sereneness you have to be 14 to work for any one other an like your dad

  17. Childcare, or dog walking or anything along those lines will be great money because you are not working on the books, it will be all cash.

    Try putting up signs around your town for anything you think you have a skill for- painting, babysitting, pet sitting, etc. and you will get phone calls from people who need you.

    or try posting your services on (just be careful not all the people on their are honest)

    you might get a few bites. It doesn't matter what your age is. If you are ambitious and really want to earn money, you will be able to.

    also you can ask your mom if you could start doing chores that you can get an allowance for (collecting the garbage, doing the laundry, etc) this will not only help you out, but it will help your family out as well by taking the work off of their backs! That, or ask your mom if she knows anyone that needs help...

  18. baby sit or mow someones lawn or wash someones car or help someone with thier stuff ask ppl if they need help u'll get some cash by that =D

  19. deliver the newspaper

  20. baby sit, offer to clean houses, car washes, clean your house, help your parents in the yard, ask if your parents friends can get you connections to get a little job at their job or at your parents work, sell stuff off of ebay, take surveys online thats about it =]

  21. My advice is to do the following:

    If you get an allowance, start saving that! You don't have to save all of it, but you could definitely put some away and still be able to spend some on yourself.

    You could also do things around the neighbourhood: do you know anyone who needs their gardens taken care of, their lawns mowed, their weeds killed? What if you offered to organize garages? Wash cars? Walk dogs? Babysit?

    The trick is to find out what people need and see if you can help them out. That way you will be providing a service to them and they will be paying you for it. For example: do you know any elderly people who may want to pay you to carry groceries from the store for them?

    The possibilities are endless.

    The trick is to start earning little bits of money and to start saving them.

    Good luck!

  22. baby sitting :]

    its not just for girls

  23. if you also want to make cash online go here

    cash (there isn't actually a space in between cash and crate. i just put that so u can see the website)

    this site is totally legit i make about 55-75 bucks every 3 weeks i thought it was a scam at the beggining but turns out it was real

    they send you a check in the mail every month and you dont need a paypal account  and you dont have to spend a penny , dime or nickel !!!

    I reccomend you get a new email account or new junk email or fake email address before you complete the offers at this site

    you can use your real email to sign up but when you  go to complete surveys  use your fake one ok?

    good luck

    check out my blog for extra info  for extra secrets about this site other cash crate users dont tell you about

  24. You might want to add what line of work you are looking for.  You do not need to be experianced to cut grass. Thats really only needed when you do landscaping(flowerbeds and stuff)

  25. you could become a paper boy or just walk dogs.. maybe the neighbour will pay you to go shopping for them or run errands :P

  26. babysit. i make like, $50 a week babysitting.

  27. i dont think anyones going to hire a middle eastern person these days. sorry.

    you could always try to open a corner store when you are older

  28. baby sitting, working at a camp,

    thats what i do.

  29. Well at your age, you don't really need that much money, so babysitting and lawn mowing is good for now. I know some local libraries hire teenagers to help restack books and such things, but otherwise, 16 is the mutual job age. I'd just stick to babysitting and lawn mowing (since you said, you're not an experienced lawn mower, just practice a couple times on your lawn and then ask your elderly neighbors for a job). Hope I helped! Good luck! =)

    PS enter a science fair! Some science fairs give out awards with a lot of money. I know someone who won two thousand dollars at a science fair. They really like projects that are environment friendly. Just thought you might be interested in doing a project this school year. (You could even start now) =) Good luck again!

  30. you can babysit, lawn mowing, dog walking....and with thirteen that is pretty much what you can do.....

  31. ask our parents for $

    do chores ha ha

    well i get 20 bucks whenever i babysit

    i got like 300 bucks in a month

    good luck

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