
Im a typical teenage girl who suffers from moderate to terrible acne!HELP!?

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well it started in the middle of 8th grade and slowly but surely i have developed more pimples on the area and perimeter of my entire face. its bad sometimes and okay other times and i get them on my cheeks forhead temples and sides of my face sometimes. For those who understand, i really hate having acne because it puts a damper on my life! i wake up every morning and put on makeup because its really the only solution for me and highschool. i ALWAYS get self conscious when talking to people especially boys because im really afraid they are concentrated on a zit i have or wont like me for who i am.sure, i shouldnt care about what others think but it is defitnitely not that simple.sometimes when the situation gets to that point i attempt to repeatedly tell myself that who cares because it makes me a stronger person since i know what its like to live with some type of obstacle.I have tried some products everything flat out sucked ex. proactive,neutrogena,clean and clear, etc. Having acne really hurts and not just on your face but your self esteem.for those coping with it i commend you because you could do what i was not courages enough too :) so any ideas of what i could do in terms of diet and gentle cleansers since i have uber sensitive skin?




  1. When I was 13-15 (Im 21 now) I used pro-active.. Let me tell you honey... that stuff WORKS... lol... i LOVE it... The older you get, they will go away on their own... it's just hormones.. the toothpaste thing just dries them out or brings them to a head so you can pop them. I would talk to your mom about pro-active tho! :)

    sorry, didn't see where you said you already used it.. I dunno baby, try some make up. I really like True Match products. They don't clog pores.. :) Good luck!

  2. First wear a light foundation if you aren't already, second go to your doctor and they can prescribe you something to help the acne go away.

  3. I think the best way to clear your skin is to exercise a lot, and drink lots of water. Sweating cleans out your pores, so you should exercise everyday, and wash your face right after.

    Also, everyday when you get home from school, the first thing your should do is pull your hair back. The oil in your hair causes acne.

    My daily face cleansing ritual consists of washing my face with oil free cleanser, and i exfoliate with an electric toothbrush(trust me, it works, it gets rid of all those dirty dead skin cells, and makes your skin really soft), then I use blemish fighting toner(try mary kay brand), and some moisturuser.

    Also, avoid greasy, fatty foods. And don't forget to drink lots of water!!

    Hope I helped. =]

  4. I have never had acne but I know people who do.

    My best friend had terrible acne so I researched for her and she looks so amazing now, its just so incredible.

    First things first, the most IMPORTANT and MOST EFFECTIVE cure is water and lots of it.  I know it sounds like bullsh!t, but it really isn't.  Its friggin amazing the difference it made to her skin.  She drank 2.5 litres a day.

    Secondly, CLEARASIL.  Ultra deep pore wash or something, I can't remember, its blue liquid in a clear bottle sort of cylinder-ish.  $13 at the supermarket!! Amazing amazing amazing stuff.  

    Thirdly, baking soda! (or bi-carb soda) and water to make a thick paste.  Put it on the affected areas and leave for half an hour.  It's going to sting but it helps reduce redness and stuff.

    Eat more veggies and change your pillow case every 3-4 days.  Always tie your hair back so its not in your face when you're at home.  

    Also try -

    -washing your face in salt water, and getting some grains on your face to exfoliate.

    -washing your face in lemon juice

    -filling a basin with hot water, putting a towel over the basin and over your head to create a tent-like area, DO NOT PUT YOUR FACE IN THE WATER!!! Its simply a steam to open up the pores, then use any facial cleanser

    Good luck :)

  5. Treatment: I would try the "clean and clear continuous control acne cleanser." It is amazing. I have tried other clean and clear products but they don't work, try that one specifically. The directions say to put it on for 30 seconds and wash it off, but I just put it on for the night like face cream. It doesn't dry my face but it might dry some peoples. I had the acne problem too, but now my face is perfectly clear.

    Some people like proactive because it is advertised by Jessica Simpson but it has a lot of different things you need to put on your face and it is a hassle. The active ingredient in it is 10% Benzoyl Peroxide which is exactly what is in "clean and clear continous control acne cleanser." If the clean and clear doesn't work find something that has a higher concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide, don't use procative.

    Dermatologists can prescribe acne medication that has a realllllly high concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide, but that might be unnecessary for you.

    They can also prescribe you pills and you can buy pills that are not that strong, but the pills are really bad for you and it is a lot better to use cream.

    Diet: Drink lots of water and I heard that you shouldn't eat a lot of chocolate (it might be a myth).

    Good luck!

  6. this will sound gross put put ur hair in a ponytail out of the way and put dabs of toothpaste  on realy bad zits and dry it with a blowdryer

    then go to bed and over night they will be gone i swear worrks 100% of the time

  7. First and foremost: Don't squeeze them. I did and a few years later my acne is gone but my skin is scarred and I have to wear foundation when I leave the house.

    Second point: Go to the doctor and get a referral to a dermatologist. It may be a long wait to get an appointment with the dermatologist but is is well worth it.

    Third point: Stop using all products except a simple cleaner. Most of the products on the market irritate acne covered skin.

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