
Im a vegan and i just ate gelitain on accident, help!?

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i just ate jello.. i didnt know.. i havent ate any animal based products for 5 years.. i made myself barf it up but i still feel so badd :(




  1. WHAT THE h**l IS WRONG WITH YOU?! dairy!? WHY!?  it doesn't harm a cow to milk it and honey? come on! that is completely unreasonable  

  2. its not a huge deal, i'd let it go.  just don't think about it,  it was an accident and it definately doesnt mean your not a vegan anymore or anything,   often this stuff does happen to a lot of people, especially if you eat out or something and are not positive whats in the food.   i can sympathise though, i'm a vegetarian and my sisters not, so when we went to taco bell i ordered a bean burrito and she ordered one with meat, and the stupid people mixed up our wrappers! so i took a bite into mine and i was like... this tastes funny, and then i looked at it and was like omg? are the beans meant to look like this? and my dads like.. no that is definately meat,   i was like OMG, eww, an spat it out... but i think i swallowed some.

    oh and to kyle ^^ up there- do you know what they DO to those poor dairy cows!  and how they have to live??  i wish more people would realize -_-

    good for you for being a vegan!   it's such a good choice but it just couldnt do it.  and my dad wouldnt let me

  3. What would you like us to do? Be more careful in the future.

  4. wow, i mean just wow. VEGAN? how can u do that to ur body? its so unnatural, and if u really thot u were doing the right thing, you would give ur body what it needs instead of starving it from what it really wants. ever heard of a little something called the food chain or food pyramid? its just not right.

  5. with it. nothing you do is going to reverse it.  it was a mistake, big ******* deal. it's not the end of the world.  you know what you did wrong and you feel bad and that's the most thats going to happen.

  6. Don't sweat it - no real harm done.

    It's a miniscule amount of animal product and

    so far removed from the animal by the time gelatine

    gets to be gelatin.

    I don't your Higher Being will punish for an honest mistake.

  7. 5 years

    down the drain

  8. =[ well you didnt know so dont feel to bad. does it even say on jello boxes that there made from animals? if not call like the 1800 number on the jello box and complain, thats like not pting a warning on cigarettes =[

  9. jello now isnt made with jelaton unless the jello was from 1920 your fine

  10. Wooow.. I think you'll get over it.

  11. So you accidentally made a mistake. There is nothing you can do to undo the past, so there is unfortuneatly no help available apart from the advice: if it's that important to you, be more vigilant in the future. As far as your health is concerned, I doubt the gelatin will do any real damage to your system. You will be fine.

  12. seriously?

    Well you puked it up, its out of you.

    Go stroke a cat or calm you down

  13. there is nothing you can really do about it. Just wait and the time will come. :)

  14. It's not going to harm you, it's just jello. I know it is against your beliefs, but believe it or not, people eat everyday. Just don't do it again, and for now, chill.

  15. i found out I was eating gelatin for about a month and didn't know, I got over it like 2 min later... I mean don't get me wrong, I felt bad but there was really nothing I could do.

  16. s***w you you won't die. You are such an ***.

  17. Accidents happen.  It doesn't mean youre not a vegan anymore.

  18. It happens...I am vegan also and have "slipped" before. Be careful not to let your guard when you're drunk or something! ;)

  19. I AM SO SORRY! You coughed it up so you're good to go. :D That must be horrible!

    Oh and to that person, Vegans have their own food pyramid.

  20. Calm down! I'm a vegetarian, and I was once served a meal that inadvertently contained some ham peices.. (which I did not find out until I took a mouthful and tasted the distinct flavour in my mouth). Yes, I also felt disgusting afterwards and it seemed no amount of mouth wash could make that taste go away. But you haven't violated your ethics, it was an accident and you didnt intentionally eat an animal product. You can't be held reponsible for something you were unaware of, and your reaction once your were made aware proves that you still hold fast to your ethics. There's no reason to feel guilty, and please don't listen to the people telling you that all your hard work was for nothing. Good on you for having principles. All the best :)

  21. I f'ed up today too, and its just one those things that happen. I was eating rice, and then I realized it had egg in it. My stomach isn't happy about it, but things happen. Your still a vegan, and so am I.  

  22. Just what kind of help do you need.  I can furnish all kinds of help.

  23. Don't worry about it.

    You didn't need to throw it up.

    Choose what you eat because of the conscious decision, not emotion.

    I've been a vegetarian for over 25 years. A month or so ago I found chicken in my Thai food. I didn't get sick I just stopped eating it and brought it back and got the tofu i ordered.

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