
Im a vegetarian & My Boyfriends a meat eater?

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Ok so Im a vegetarian & do not have a problem with meat eaters but Im willing to compromise with my boyfriend because we both want it to work & love eachother,I will allow him to eat meat not every single day but possibly every other day also for example any place that allows animals to suffer (KFC) will not be allowed in our house but whatever he wants to eat as long as its healthy & the animal has not been tortured before death will be alright,he agreed & actually thinks its a wonderful idea,we are both animal lovers! & I think its silly to break off a relationship over meals/food we both love eachother & I dont think its giving up my beliefs for anyone who has to say anything about that,I still support Peta & do anything I can to help the animals out but would never try to force being a vegetarian on someone,possibly suggest it but never force! anyways What do you guys think about this compromise??? does it sound fair as long as we both agree???




  1. I understand your concern about the cruelty to animals etc. but, allow him to eat meat every other day? That sounds very controlling I myself would resent a bf trying to tell me that I can only eat meat every other day.

  2. im glad that you and your man have compromise. im a vegetarian but my b/f is a meat eater! i told him almost all of the knoweldge i know about the cruelty to animals but he is a country boy and is uneducated or just doesnt care. it really makes me mad but i cant do anything about it. he is hard headed! im glad that your man makes compromises for you that show that he stands by you and what you believe in and will do anything to try to show you he cares. i wish my b/f could stop being stubborn and give in also.

  3. All I can say is, speaking from experience as a vegetarian, its very difficult long term to live with a non-vegetarian.  It will cause fights!  Since you seem to be a vegetarian for ethical reasons, if you guys aren't aligned in that realm, its hard to have a long-term future.  Same goes for people who aren't the same religion often times.

  4. I see problems down the line because eventually you will determine that whatever meat he eats was killed by "torture" and you cant stand the smell of a predator.

  5. Personally - I think that you should just forget about "rules" and just go for the love that you have for each other.  Address each situation as it comes up.

    As to the one comment about 'getting in pants' and your reply - - there really are people that set up guidelines about eating as a means for that very reason.  I think that such is sick - but there really are people out there like that.  You can even see them posting in this very area and making such comments.

    As long as you each respect each other - you will be able to work any and all things out.  It is when the disrespecting comes in that problems come about.

  6. I think your plan is very reasonable. Unless you are his mom, it's really not your place to monitor his food intake.  I think the less you press the issue, the more open he may become. Some people naturally resist people that are controlling, so your positive influence may be a benefit. Just always stay positive about it and you don't have to "sell" your values or reasons unless you are out picketing or something.  Best wishes.

  7. All i have to say is that it is extremely fair what you are having him do, and hopefully it will rub off on him and before long he will become vegetarian.

  8. Because so many more women than men are vegetarians, your situation is not uncommon. But you sound as if you are only willing to barely tolerate his majority position with all kinds of restrictions and controls. Every other day - why not just once a week or once a month, or only for lunch and not for dinner.

    On top of that, your language is heavily loaded. Meat eaters are well aware that the animal products they eat come from animals that have been killed, but you want to insist that they were "tortured."

    I'm surprised your bf puts up with all this. A better situation would be for him to do his own cooking (or take-out if he hates to cook) and you do yours. You pay attention to your plate and don't comment on the contents of his, and vice versa. Then you can do the dishes together.

  9. "I will allow him to eat meat not every single day but possibly every other day"

    Just who in the h**l do you think you are? With an attitude like that I can only imagine him wanting to get in your pants and run like a scalded dog.

    Good luck with that...

    **You think so? Get back to me in a month and tell me how it is going. The only way man (not a boy) would put up with the likes of you is because he want's something.

    I wish you didn't have to learn what you are about to learn, but hopefully it modifies your behaviour before it's too late.

  10. My husband is an omnivore.  He eats meat regularly, but never in our home.  It's okay with me if he wants to, but he says he doesn't.  When we eat together, he usually has a vegetarian meal, even in a restaurant.  He loves meat, but he agrees with all of my principles.  He says they are irrefutable, but he doesn't have the commitment I have.  I let HIM make his own rules and I think that works well.

    I'm sure we'll battle over how to feed the baby I'm pregnant with!

  11. You will allow him to eat it, and he can't bring K.F.C. into OUR house.  You wouldn't force anyone to be a vegetarian.  Who do you think you are, the messiah coming and telling everyone what they can and can not do.  If he goes along with this, he will be the biggest hen pecked guy on the block. Hope he wakes up and sees that you are controlling, and will make his life a living H*ll.

  12. Patience, acceptance and understanding is the key. If it is meant to be, your boyfriend will gradually evolve into a vegetarian. If not, no amount of shaming or pressure will change that, it will only make it worse. So, I think your idea of compromise is perfect.

  13. If you both agree, I guess it's fair. But the rules ALL seem to be your rules.  What are his rules... or doesn't he have a choice?  What is he supposed to do, question the chicken before he cooks it as to how it died? My daughter is a vegetarian, and although she doesn't live with me, she is at the house often and we both cook.  She doesn't set any rules for me.  I would never ask her to have anything to do with tending to or cooking any meat I might have.  I'll have it as often as I like though.  I don't set rules for what she eats, so in fairness, she doesn't set rules for me.  It's called "mutual respect".  I do try to cut down on the amount of meat I eat for environmental reasons.... the amounts of land needed to raise animals for slaughter and gases emitted by animals is a major concern.

    Personally, I think you both need to compromise, but without making it seem one-sided and by no means making it too difficult on either person.  Mutual respect  and understanding is key.

  14. i am surprised he agreed to all that. you seem very controlling and not too fair. you have to allow him to do things?

    ...well if he agreed to it then wutever. hope it works out between u guys.  

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