
Im a vegetarian. a couple questions...?

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I"ve recently become a vegetarian. I was just wondering, what CAN they eat and what CAN'T they? Can they eat fish? and does being a vegetarian make losing weight easier?




  1. i don't consider people who eat fish vegetarians. being a vegetarian can make it easier to lose weight if you do it right, but there are a lot of meatless junk foods, haha.

  2. no vegetarians don't eat fish because fish are animals and vegetarians don't eat animals. yes, being a vegetarian makes losing weight much easier.

    vegetarians DO NOT eat

    Red Meat



    Vegetarians DO EAT



    & more importantly lots of



    Whole Grains

    beans & legumes

    nuts & seeds

  3. it depends. some vegetarians do eat fish but no other animals, however most dont eat fish.

    the 'rules' vegetarians follow can vary. theres several different kinds.

  4. There are many types of vegetarian:

    some eat eggs (ovo vegetarian)

    some eat dairy products (locto vegetarian)

    some eat both (locto ovo vegetarian) (what i am myself to make my mom okay with me not eating meat)

    some eat sea food(pescatarias "vegetarian") most people don't consider this vegetarian

    some don't eat any animal products at all (vegans) (what I am aspiring to be)

    In the end it's your choice what you put on your plate and what you don't. You have to decide what you feel is cruel to animals and what you chose is right.

  5. Becoming a  vegetarian usually because of the lack of research results in a iron deficiency, poor muscle and bonestructure.  Speak to a professional.

  6. No vege can't eat fish, as it is an animal. They can east vegetables, fruits, all types of grains, seeds, beans, dairy products. Some of vegetarian eat egg and some not. it depends on you that you need ti or not.

  7. No, vegetarians do not eat fish. Anyone that says some do eat fish obviously doesn't know what a vegetarian is but chose to answer the question anyway.

  8. I was just wondering how can you say you are a "vegetarian' or recently became one when you don't seem to even know what a vegetarian is?

    "I am a lawyer.. what is a lawyer and what do I do ??"

    being a vegtarian is not something you just say to yourself that you are and then go arounnd telling people "I am a vegetarian". Neither is it somehing that you do because it is "cool" to be called one nor is it a weight loss program.

    I suggest you read more on the matter before youe ven decide if you want to be one or not. To start: vegetarians do not eat meat or animal foods. That includes ALL meat from animals meaning it includes fish/seafood, chicken etc etc. Some eat eggs and or dairy products and some don't. There are animal spurced products that you try to avoid such as gelatin (obtained from animal catilege/bone/tissue), cheese with animal rennet (a substance extractd from cow/clf stomach to assist in fementation of cheese), white sugar filtered with bone char (charcoal made from animal bones) etc.  Some go to the extent of not using any product, food or otherwise that has been involved in animal testing or exploitation

    As you can see, it takes more than just saying " I am a vegetarian"

    PS What you CAN eat and what you CHOOSE not to eat are two different things.

    Vegetaraisn CAN eat anything they want. There is no policwe that will arrest them if they do. But if they eat meat, then they should not call themselves vegetarians.

    But vegetarians CHOOSE not to eat animal foods/food products some of which I  mentioned above.

  9. losing weight is easy when you dont stuff your body full of processed c**p and fast food. being veg makes it easier because you tend to eat more whole foods than processed ones. vegetarians are allowed to eat milk and eggs but youre better off just stopping those too. its poison and hurts just as many innocent animals as well as the enviroment.

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