
Im a vegetarian but dont put on any weight what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i am also at school and get called names because im so thin.

But i dont want to turn into a meat eater just to put on weight.

i even once sat down with packets of crisps, tubs of ice cream and sweets for a few months but i still didnt put on any weight!

Please help me. i eat really well but cant put on any weight. I only weigh 7 stone which is way less than what i should be!




  1. I know how you feel and it sucks.  I was a vegetarian but even eating meat didn't help.  It is mostly genetics though so you just have to learn to accept it.  My dad put on weight when he was just a couple years older than me though so I'm looking forward to it.

    But really, who cares what people say.  You are who you are so don't even listen to the haters.

  2. When I was at school (15) I was 6" and weighed about 9 stone and yes Ive been through what you,re talking about.

    The strange thing is, when I stopped growing at about 19 the weight started piling on. So much so I had to join a gym to get some help.

    Thats the best advice I can give you. Get a personal trainer for a few weeks. Not too expensive, and they know what they,re doing.

  3. I didn't make it to the top of the food chain to eat carrots.  You can get a pizza without any meat on them.  I'm not sure, but is pepperoni a meat?  I was always told that a vegetarian won't eat anything that has eyes.  So where does  pepperoni come from?

  4. Hey

    Firstly, good thing you are a vegetarian.

    I think the best way would be to get a personal trainer. He might cost a bit but he will make you a nice diet and also get you to make that body work!

    Best of luck!

    Also, if I were you, I'd just tell those people at my school to get a d**n life and go cry to their mummy.




  5. hmm.. no need to turn to meat..i too am a vegetarian and i am extremely thin.. i asked my doctor and he suggested talking to a nutritionist. sometimes vegetarians lack protein in their diets so i would try to consume more of that. protein will help with building some long lean muscles. a great protein source could come from tofu, soy, veggie burgers, nuts etc.

    if thats not the case, talk to your doctor. it may be a thyroid problem!

  6. I find nutrigrain bars make me put on weight really quickly.

    Other than that, try things like pasta and potatoes.

  7. eat more protein like eggs and nuts or protein drinks. that way u can build more mussel.

  8. eat a lots of bread at night....with butter.. my highschool football coach mad all the skinny players do it and it actually worked...remember only at night time because the fat will stick to you. Cause when your just sleeping, your not moving around burning fat thru out the day.

  9. You're probably naturally skinny. One of my friends was like you - no matter what she ate or how much she never got past 7 stone until she was 19.

    You've probably got an overactive thyroid or it may be that your genes are dictating your weight. It's not to do with your vegetarianism - being a veggie doesn't affect your weight.

    You could speak to your doctor about your weight and he/she may be able to pinpoint the problem medically if indeed there is something wrong.

    Don't worry, if you're replacing the nutrients you would've got from meat with Quorn, soya, nuts, pulses etc then you're diet isn't to blame.

    The people who call you names are jelous of the fact that they're not thin like you. I bet they'd give anything to have your figure. I know how hard it is to be bullied at school - I was bullied for having naturally blonde hair. Bullies are people who are jelous of something you've got and they haven't. In your case, you're thin and they want to be like you. Try answering them back next time they call you names and look as though you're not bothered. People will think they can pick on you if they think you're too shy to answer them back. You need to tell a teacher about it - they will be able to sort out the people who are doing it. It works, I promise.

  10. I have exactly the same problem!

    Try drizzling salads etc with olive oil and eat lots of soya protein - chilli's, spag bol etc - also if you eat eggs omellettes are great to build up weight.

    Happy eating!

  11. Just tell them to p**s off, as long as you are being honest with us about this.  Sounds like you might have one of "those" metabolisms.

    The ones that don't let you put on weight, no matter how much you eat.  Enjoy it.

  12. Stop being a vegetarian and eat a big steak or somethin

  13. take weight gainer or just consume more calories than you burn on a daily basis

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