
Im a vegitarian and people always make fun of me what should i do?

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i mean everybody is always telling me im gonna die and that im a freak and ignoring them does not work help me what should i do




  1. if they let you explain that you do it for a good reason and stick up for yourself!make a comment or two and if that doesnt work tell a teacher.GOOD luck.i like vegitarians.some of my friends are too.

  2. I rather doubt that everybody, always says those things to you.

  3. UH eat meat. You must look pretty bad if people are saying your are gonna die.

    Have a burger, join the human race, we're not that bad, really.

  4. I am not a vegetarian, but I do give up meat for lent sometimes. I understand your plight though.  I catch h**l for the lent thing sometimes. Basically ignore the first 1 or 2 comments from a person and then ask them "Why does it bother you?".   I just do not get it, if you are a vegetarian, that is your business, not theirs.  Or you can also say "My digestive system is low on some enzyme that digests meat and if I eat meat, I will get sick" (Which if you have not ate meat for a long time is actually true)

  5. The fact is that vegetarians live 6-7 years longer than meat eaters. So you are not going to die. Some people are ignorant to the fact that being a vegetarian is way healthier than meat eaters. As long as you eat what your body needs, then don't worry what other people say. Next time laugh with them because the joke's on them.

  6. make fist,extend middle finger upwards. Say nothing.Its loud and clear enough.

  7. Get over it. Not everyone supports your lifestyle, but so what? If you feel that it's best for you and you've researched it thoroughly, then stop worrying.

  8. Ignore them and just be the bigger person. Don't ever let someone limit your life. Still be a vegetarian and just be happy. They are just stupid and trying to hurt your feelings.

  9. tell them that vegetarians live longer and get sick less and have countless other health benefits.  also, we don't get obese like nasty meat eaters.

    or you could just beat the **** out of them.

  10. There are three things you can do.

    1) When they make some lame joke, chuckle like it's the oldest joke in the world. Shake your head and (sarcastically) say "original." Walk away.

    2) Tell them, "I respect your choice to eat meat and I don't comment on it, please extend the same courtesy to me."

    3) Say, "So what is it about my choices that make you so defensive you have to attack me? Are we feeling a wee bit guilty about what we choose to eat? F*** off."

    The best thing you can do to advocate veg*ism is to be strong in your beliefs but accepting of others', to gently inform those you care the most about why you have chosen to stop eating meat, and to make delicious food and share it!!

  11. Well, obviously they are completely wrong and incredibly rude and disrespectful about your lifestyle choices. Whatever you do, don't compromise your morals and beliefs because of ignorant rude people like them; it's your life so you do what you want to do. I know ignoring them is hard but it's the only thing I can think of. Every time they say something just tell yourself that you are a bettter person than them and walk away. You could try retorting with a witty, cutting comment to shut them up but be careful but that may make them tease you even more for being more intelligent than them or for making them feel stupid. If things get worse, tell someone. I'm assuming you are in school so you could report them. Honestly though, the best thing is to ignore them completely and they will get bored. Hope this helps.

  12. Many people tend to start their argumentation with "As I deeply believe..." This very beginning of so-called discussion already shows that it's hopeless even to start as it seems you don't have a right to argue their beliefs. My point is that the aim of a discussion is contrary to its (discussion's) method. You have to find the truth while it cannot be found.

    So, though ignoring does not help, it is the only thing to do.

  13. You should just tell them that they can't hate you because of someone you want to be, if thats who you feel you need to be then thats who you should be. maybe show them a peda video and if they have heart they will see why your veggie.

  14. eat some meat!!!

  15. tell em to f*** off. cuz its your choice and your body. why should they care what you eat. just make sure you dont become anemic. you have to take pills for that. or something.

  16. Yeah I get this too! It sucks but, I just dont advertise it. Like if I go to a restaurant I wont order meat. If they ask. I just say, thats just what I feel like eating (because it is)...What did you order? They forget about it and talk about their order.

    P.S. It is useless to argue with them with the facts (vegetarians live longer, etc). Just start a fight that they wont agree on anyway.

  17. Give it up and go on a normal, healthy diet.

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