
Im a virgo with a virgo rising and moon in gemini what does that mean?

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Im a virgo with a virgo rising and moon in gemini what does that mean?

sun sign : virgo

rising sign : virgo

moon sign : gemini




  1. Ha!,Ha!,Ha!,Ha! Just kidding! It means you are a super perfectionist,who is quick in body & mind!!!

  2. erm

  3. Sun Sign Virgo with Virgo Rising

    Virgo rising seems to be quite refined. Very often a probing, analytical speaker with a soft tone to your voice, others may see you as intelligent and witty. Others may accuse you of either being too neat, or too messy, but you will certainly have a distinct pattern to your character. Others will notice how important work is to you as well.

    This Ascendant runs the risk of criticizing and undermining a lover because he truly wants perfection. In matters of love and dating this could be a bit of an impediment. A relationship with Virgo rising is never easy and must be earned.

    When it comes to s*x and relationship Virgo rising will analyze a love match to pieces before he surrenders to it. Once you’ve won the heart of someone with a Virgo Ascendant however, he’s surely one of the most attentive signs in bed.

    Virgo is particular, practical and realistic rather than romantic. Virgos are slow-burning fuses in the art of lovemaking. Once properly ignited, situations can lead to an explosion of white heat that takes quite a while to cool down.

    Once Virgos have committed themselves to a lover, anyone showing interest in their lover is likely to spark a bout of jealousy. Overall, Virgos are devoted and readily willing to serve their mates.

    Moon in Gemini:

    Those with the Moon in Gemini have brightly lit up minds in which the wheels are always turning. For them the world is full of interesting topics to learn and think about, and of course, chat about with others. They’re lively conversationalists, and usually able to find the hilarity in any situation.

    This makes them social butterflies, and curious about peoples lives in general. They take in everything that people share, and can become notorious gossips if they pass it on. It’s usually not out of malice, but out of a genuine fascination with the human condition.

    The Gemini Moon can find it hard to relax, and even when winding down in the evening may have several conduits of information on at once, such as the TV and radio, all the while surfing the Net. Today’s technology is tailor-made for them, with its short, snippet-style and quick turnaround.

    The Moon in Gemini mind needs constant stimulation, and this is how it finds emotional comfort. Ideally, all this information is filtered through, and then redistributed out to the world through their unique gifts. Many are fine writers, artists and comedians, since they’re so tuned in to the peculiarities of their social surroundings.

    In romance, the Gemini Moon is an enchanting mate that is also like a fun, child-like friend. Their ideal mate is someone with an adaptable outlook who helps sooth their nervous temperament. In return they offer a relationship that is fresh and always evolving because of their endless search for variety.

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