I would appreciate it if no sarcastic comments are posted to my question. I am a week late for my period, and the second day that i had missed my period, i had a small brownish spot on my underwear. I thought that would be my period, but it never came. Now it feels like im on my period, but im not. I have the same pain, as what i would have when im on my period. But theres no blood... Not a trace. I keep checking every day, but nothing appears.
2 days ago, i was quite wet down there, and have never had that before either. Its not from sexual arousal, and there was no doscomfort. I have googled some info, and it tells me that the brownish spot that i saw on my underwear is a sign of early pregnancy. But... can it be caused by stress too? I have been sexually active over the past 2 months, and its a bit too soon to take a test.
My b*****s are a tiny bit tender aswell. And the other day i was using a household detergent that i always use, and experienced extreem sensitivity to it for some reason. I couldnt stop sneazing, andhad a runny nose until i went outside and away from the smell, then i was ok.
I really doubt that i am pregnant, as i have tried before, and nothing happened. I also feel constantly tired, and just want to sleep all the time. What could be causing this? Stress? What is your opinion? And has it happened to you before?
All guidance, opinions, and advice welcomed.
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