
Im a week late with my payment to aarons what the worse that can happen?

by Guest34292  |  earlier

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Im a week late with my payment to aarons what the worse that can happen?




  1. Well they may report your late payment as '30 days' late to the credit bureau. If you're only a week late I suggest you get on the phone and talk to a rep to ensure that this does not happen.

  2. Call them and explain the circumstances. It will go on your credit report as a late payment.

  3. all there going to do is take you to court if they cant get back what they leased you . If its over $5,000 i would suggest  you give it back , grand theft is not a good thing . If the lawyer they hire doesnt show up in court , case dismissed and you get to keep what ever you took. if he does show up youll have to either A) return merchandise and pay what you owe them B) pay the amount of the merchandise and keep the product .

    or you could just call them and make arrangements on paying at a future date which they would probably do seeing on how the whole point of the business is to make money

  4. If its only a week, call them and let them know you intend to pay on a specific day.

    If you don't, they have to recover the loss.  They have several avenues of action....

    They can re-po your stuff you bought.  Plus put a bad mark on your credit report.  

    If they don't re-po, they can take you to court for payment and interest.  If that happens, and you are found guilty, you will also be responsible for their court costs as well as yours, AND still owe the balance due on the product you have.

  5. I am sure they will attempt to pick up their merchandise, and if you don't pay within a certain time, they will put this information on your credit report.  You should call them and let them know what is going on with you.

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