
Im about 4 foot 8 and weigh 78 pounds and I'm a boy. Is that skinny, normal, or fat?

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Im about 4 foot 8 and weigh 78 pounds and I'm a boy. Is that skinny, normal, or fat?




  1. You are 4 foot 8 inches and weigh 78 pounds. In the standard BMI, or body mass index, which is the benchmark for measuring body weight and health you score a 17.5.

    You are slightly UNDERWEIGHT.

    For your height, the ideal weight is over 82 pounds.

    so each a box of Mac and Cheese and you will be fine.

  2. Perfectly fine if you are 10-12 years old. If not then... that's skinny

  3. its a little below normal

  4. uhhh for a boy yea but if you have rolls on your stomach then that just might come from your height. When you grow your stomach stretches out with your height. so id do sit ups now cuz when you grown you'll have a tight stomach and hopefully abs.

  5. It doesn't depend on age. It depends on how much fat your have on your body, and muscle. I went to a google search & found a BMI calculator, you are underweight. So I would suggest eating more but healthy, exercising, but don't loose any more weight.  I also suggest maybe going to your doctor & seeing what he thinks. Your not VERY much underweight but you could gain a few pounds to be at a healthier range.

  6. That's WAY too skinny, you're skin and bones, dude. Do you mean 178? If you do, that's a bit pudgy but it's fine.

    Your BMI is 17.5, which is underweight. That's dangerous.

  7. it means god hates you, join the club....

  8. really depends how old you are

    if you're 9 or 10, sounds normal

  9. It means it's time to eat more protein!

  10. depends on age

  11. Slender and trim

  12. ohhhh your under age on here!! just kidding. well if your 4'8 then your normal. kinda short but normal.

  13. It's normal for a 10-11 year old boy.

  14. SKINNY

  15. lol those girls saying it matters about age... it dosent... you seem to be normal wight and slightly skinny... not much nothing you shouold be worried about, dont become anerexic or balemic or any other eating disorder

  16. This is small but not as small as my nephew Kasvin. He weight but 27 kilos and his pants fall to his ankles as he has not a belt or cord of rope to secure them.

    This cause him much grief as peoples point and laugh at him

    I say to you that will gain this weight will come as you grow if you eat a good diet. This is better that being big like my other nephew Tollar.

    He weight 136 kilos as he eats everything he touches.

    His mother is afraid to him alone with Kasvin as she fears he may try to eat him. This I doubt but we did catch him trying to eat a a rubber tire that was attach to automobile.

    So you should not worry about you weight.

  17. Skinny! you anorexic?

  18. i would say it depends on your age. if you were in your p*****n-teen age i would say your pretty skinny. If your in elementary i guess normal or still skinny. But not fat

  19. You are a little underweight but you arent its normal, when u hit puberty, you'll gain weight.

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