
Im about to buy a 55 inch tv, should i play video games on a big screen?

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i've heard your not supposed to but i really wanna hook up the 360 to it, should i?




  1. Why are you not supposed to? I have have a 57' and I play HD games on it all the time. It looks great if your TV supports HD and is a wide screen, just make sure you have the correct cables and configuration settings or else the 360 won't display it properly.

  2. I think you can if its a LCD, but not on a Plasma.  

  3. ummmm h**l ya put the 360 on it.  It will be fine.

  4. yea u should it will look hot!

  5. lol. its fine to do that. just dont sit close to the tv.

  6. Sure why not, as long as your TVs brightness isn't turned all the way up, I don't see why not.  If you have an older RPTV you may suffer burn in from stationary bright objects (like score totals) if playing for hours on end.  But if you calibrate the TV with a calibration disc, and don't leave a stationary object on for hours then I wouldn't worry about.  I play my PS3 and Xbox on my 58: Pioneer RPTV all the time, without one problem.  Last month I played GT5 on a 106" projection screen without any problems and I play games on my 42" plasma without one problem either.

    Rayman, your wrong about current plasma TV's not playing games.  The first and second generation plasmas had burn in problems, but that was conquered about two years ago and is no longer an issue with plasma at all.  So many people keep claiming that games on plasmas ruin the TV.  It is completly wrong and false.  I have played games for hours on end without one single problem and no hint of burn in at all.

    Companies ralize that game systems are a major use for HDTV's don't you think they would create a TV that would be able to handle this.  Actually game systems work better on plasma than LCD's because Plasma has no motion blur issues like LCD does and since games use fast moving objects, plasma is actually a better choice.

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