
Im about to do a teacher training course and i wondered whats life like as an elementary school teacher?

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Im about to do a teacher training course and i wondered whats life like as an elementary school teacher?




  1. Teaching is hard, but very rewarding. You will put a lot of hours into your job. Despite what some people say, teachers work nights, weekends, and summers to prepare for their students. If you are passionate about it, you will love it. Don't do it for the money because you will be disapointed.

  2. it's just great if u really like children!  

  3. To become a teacher you need to really love the career and love the children as well. Sometimes it might seem tiresome because of all of the work you have to continue at home but if you love what you do you will be okay. When you are taking your practice or training course is when you really know if that's what you want and if you have the ability of performing as a teacher.

    Teaching in not an easy career but you feel so useful and when you are at the mall or down town and some students recognize you and say nice things about you IT JUST PAYS IT ALL!!!

    The key to success when teaching, is to be flexible, master the class you will teach, prepare 100% for each class, think about fulfilling the necessities of each and every one of your students, find learning strategies and teaching techniques to make your class interesting (Learning can be entertaining, why not?), Be clear and consistent when dealing with classroom rules and your expectations, group control is crucial, never be a friend or a "pal" because at some point they might disrespect you, always draw a line between whats a teacher and a friend, be nice but never let them cross that line; demonstrate interest in their preocuppations, help them as much as you can, provide them the tools for finding answers but never give them the answers directly, and soooooooooooooooooooo on.

    Good luck in your journey. I am sure that if you love what you do you will be fine!

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