
Im about to get a divorce. my husband is a cheater and he gave me hpv.?

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i have a newborn baby girl. the hardest thing about all of this is thinking about my daughter being around another man. if you have adaughter and your not with her father how did you move on and have trust in another man around your daughter? do you know what i mean?




  1. When i moved on from my daughter's father, she was 5 months old, I dated for a while meet different people but i never let any of them get close to her. didn't want her to see different guys or get hooked on them then they would be gone. thank god the one i met was when she was 9 months old. i didnt let him around her til she was about 16 months, and now it's been 10 years and i have been marreid to him for 7 so it worked out good.

    Just dont let anyone get close to her until you know for sure about the person. there are alot of creeps out there now days, so if you do meet someone get to know them and their surroundings before you get her involved.

  2. I know what you mean & I wouldn't let any other man around any of my kids if me & my hubby weren't together! You can still date without having men around your kids!  

  3. i totally understand what you are saying. lucky for me, i am married to a wonderful trustworthy guy who loves my daughter like his own. i was always leary of men, i guess i watch too many lifetime movies. i think it also helped, because i already knew the guy. we dated about 12 years ago and got in contact again in 2006. there are good guys out there.

  4. WOW..Kittykat..could you be a bigger nastier b*tch???

    For the asker - focus on making a great life for you and your baby.  It's going to be a tough road and I speak from experience.  My first marriage ended when I was only 10 weeks pregnant so I know all about the alone with a newborn life, but you can do this!  

    You are right to be concerned about the people you expose your daughter to.  Trust your instincts, and maybe hold off for a good long time letting any men you date meet her until you know what direction the relationship is going.  Not a good thing to let her get attached to people who may not remain in her life.  And you can always get a criminal check done on people.  It won't tell you everything but it all helps.

    Good luck to you.

  5. That's something you'll never any many man around your daughter.  

  6. When I divorced I was too busy worrying about how I was going to provide for myself and my daughter to even think about having another relationship.

  7. Take care of your baby.  She is the most important in your life.  You do not need a man right now.  It will happen when the time is right.  Enjoy your child they grow up fast.


  8. You are not even divorced yet and thinking about starting a new relationship?  I think it is okay to do this eventually, but you are obviously not ready for it.  I would suggest keeping your focus on your precious baby girl.  But in the future, if you cannot trust anyone around your daughter they should not be in your life, and should defiantly not be in your home or anywhere close to your daughter.

  9. You need to get past the divorce before you start planning another marriage or relationship.  Otherwise it sounds like you were cheating.  Not all men are pedophiles so you may not have to worry about your daughter at all.  If you love another man, it would be a good example for your daughter.  Especially if he loves you and lets the daughter see that.  Not the s*x but the affection of everyday attention and intention.  A good father figure.

  10. Why don't you try being a mom for five years and keep your legs closed??  

    Obviously you don't pick very nice men.

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