
Im about to take my finals tomorrow, I get pretty nervous, any tips on calming down?

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Im about to take my finals tomorrow, I get pretty nervous, any tips on calming down?




  1. Just study tonight, but remember that the most important thing is to get a good night's rest. Relax and you will do just fine.

  2. pot? just kidding the best way to do that is to be really well prepared if you know the stuff then you should just be able to say hey i studyed my *** off for this i know it and you should calm down that or say look im just gonna do my best and thats all i can do

  3. --Deep breathing.  As corny as it sounds, it works.

    --Quiz yourself, so you don't feel like you have much to worry about.  If you really know your stuff, you should be fine.  If not... well, go do some more studying.

    --Bring a candy of some sort into the exam room, if you're allowed.  Eat that candy while you're studying; it gives you a link between taste and the material.  I use tic-tacs.  (It works, I swear!)

    --Read the entire exam before you start answering any questions, even the ones you know.

    --Answer the easy, quick questions first.  Then the easy, longer questions.  Leave the hardest, longest, biggest question until last, and then you know exactly how much time you have.

    --Budget your time by points.  So, if your exam has a 2 hour max time limit, and the exam is out of 120, make sure you don't spend more than a minute on each point.  This way you won't run out of time as easily.

    --If you're doing well in the course already, come up with 'worst-case scenarios'.  So, if I get a 50% on the exam... oh, I'll still get an 80% overall?  That's not so bad... then you start worrying less, because it seems less important.  (If you're not doing well now, and by well I mean over 75, don't calculate, it might make you more stressed rather than less.)

    There's some basic ideas, but basically, don't panic, it's going to be fine!  Good luck!


  4. Think of what you were doing this time yesterday, and realize how quickly the last day went.  Before you know it, it will be over.

    Oh, and BREATHE.

  5. i just had final today. they make them sound harder than they are. it's really not that bad. before you know it, they will be over and summer will be here. if you studyed ..everything should be great=)

    Good luck to you!

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