
Im addicted to pool?

by  |  earlier

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all i want to do is play pool, i really wnna learn snooker as well, i cant afford a table (and dont have room) and my local hall just closed down, wat can i do to relieve my cravings?




  1. its like being addicted to drugs. lose the habit

  2. go to afriend s house and play

  3. buy a new house

  4. bars

  5. Find if there is any local Gaming place or **if youre 18** go to a pub/bar. Play 3d pool on computer.

  6. well there's always the next town over maybe they have a place, or the local bar, or... find someone who likes it as much as you do and has a table.

  7. u cud get the snooker on ps2 of xbox or sumink its reali good but not as good as the snooker club!
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