
Im adopting quads from china all girls!!!

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I need names for them i got three so far.Their names are Alaina Noelle, Monica Elisabeth, and Lila Josephine. Please Help!!




  1. From what I know of China adoption, there has only been one IA of triplets from China, and that was a special case.  I doubt that quads would be available.  I am calling this a fake post.

    Please, if you want name ideas ask for name ideas, but don't make up stories. no one will take you seriously.  

  2. since the three you have all end in "a" like my best friend's kiddos names i thought i would offer her two names

    theona (normally its spelled theone but she liked it with the a do i)

    and amelia

  3. Unfortunately there is a lot wrong with your story and it is clear that it is not true. If you want to come up with fantasy names, I suggest going to the baby names section. But don't come here lying. Adoption is a difficult journey and trolls are not appreciated.

  4. . They don't have names? How sad.

    ETA- I was being sarcastic. In other words, they DO have names already, RIGHT? so stick with that..

  5. I suggest you forget about the names and spend a little more deciding on the outfit you are going to wear when you go on Larry King Live.

  6. what's wrong with the names they already have?

  7. That's a fake posts. The poster didn't do much research.

    And yes Chinese orphans have names, 3 actually.

  8. troll

  9. Makes me wonder if JOAN B and Brandy B are the same people.  They both ask ridiculous questions, one after the other, and they are both the first (and only) questions under their newly created profiles.

    Hmmmmmmm.  Veerrrryyyyyy Innnnterestingggggg!  (with all due respect to Artie Johnson)

  10. i dint believe any of the things you say on this site

  11. Yes, a troll.

    Ever notice that there is an abundant questions ask about whatever the going "RANT"?

    Yes, these are fake questions and it doesn't take too many smarts to figure out who it is.......

  12. Congratulations!

    What was your DTC date?  LID?  When did you receive your referral?  When do you travel?  What province/SWI are they in?  How in the world are you able to afford all of the extra fees and income requirements?

    I can not wait to see you on the news-this is an absolute first in the China adoption community, so I am certain that I will see you there soon if this is legitimate.

    How about Brianna Marie?

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