
Im afarid of sleeping alone in my room?

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ok..well I'm a 15 year old male and i am embarrassed to say that i am quite afraid of sleeping alone in my room, well i usually sleep earlier then the rest of my family..i usually sleep at 10 while they sleep at 11 or when i sleep earlier then them, the lights of my house is still on and i feel safe. but when i sometimes sleep later then them, the lights are off and i would be quite afraid to sleep alone...sometimes when im too tired or when im feeling a little bit braver, i would jus sleep alone regardless of the darkness while most of the times i get scared and go to my parents room to sleep ( on the floor on a mattress). my room door is open but my parenst room door are not and whenever im alone at night and everyone else is alseep, my mind would jus start thinking of ghosts and stuffs and that would freak me out. I tried using a night light but it doesn't work.. and im quite a timid person...pls help me get rid of this problem!...thank you very much..pls give good answers instead of things like " try not to think of ghosts" or " leave your parents room door open."




  1. Dont use sleeping tablets, they are usually addictive and can cause more problems then they are worth. I think you need to get to the bottom of your fear. Is it really ghosts that you're afraid of, or something else? Have you seen ghosts before? If not, why would you suddenly see them now? Do you watch a lot of tv or read books about ghosts? Why don't you try sleeping with your light on. Or having something like a stuffed animal that comforts you (this works for me). Its not healthy to get into a habit of sleeping with your parents, but you will get over your fear if you face it and realise that there is really nothing to fear after all  

  2. Hi! I have this problem too, well I used to but I've learnt how to suppress it a bit, A lot of people think that this sort of thing is immature but it's not. What you're doing is a good start, I used to have this problem too. I did what you do except I would always wake up at around 4 in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep.

    What I find works is making sure I'm really warm and that my mind isn't too stressed. E.g- tests, assignments. I also make sure I do some sport during the day so I'm tired so I'll sleep really easily. I have the corridor light turned on. Also, another thing I'm not sure that would help is to have your bed facing the window with the curtains open. I find that looking at the night sky helps me fall asleep. Another thing I find which helps is warm milk. I drink it before I sleep and find that it also helps me sleep.

    If that doesn't help. go see a doctor because they might be able to help you. I went around two years ago and have been sleeping better since. Sometimes though, I still get freaked out after watching a horror movie. I watched a documentary on 'Jack the Ripper' and couldn't sleep properly for a week after that last month. XD Good luck.

    ** Not sure if this helps but gradually over time you instinctively not wake up in the middle of the night. Not sure how to explain it. I used to always wake up at around 4 but now, I find that I become 'semi-concious'. I know what happens around me a bit but my mind sort of doesn't comprehend so I'm actually asleep. It sounds crazy, I know, but if you can, just try to stay in your bed and fall asleep, after a while, you half-wake up and think 'I'm not waking up' and fall back asleep.

    Another thing I do is sleep with a stuffed toy. Don't care what anyone else thinks because it makes me feel at ease but it might be different for you because you're a guy, but if you don't mind maybe you could try that. :D

    *** Try pulling all your window curtains open? That could replace the lights.

  3. omg me to but i am ok because i sleep in the same room as my twin sister  

  4. wow i have the same problem!! i thought i was the only one lol..

    what usually helps me is just listening to music when everyone else is asleep. it usually calms my nerves and it better than just listening to the silence...

    i know you said that night lights  didn't help but maybe because its not enough light still. thats the case with me... so i just leave my door open and leave the light in my hallway on.

  5. I used to have this same problem as a kid and simply grew out of it. It seems you have a combination of nyctophobia (fear of darkness), monophobia (fear of being alone), clinophobia (fear of going to bed).

    If it is the fear of the supernatural which keeps you from sleeping alone, you can either grow up and realise that ghosts don't exit, or (if believing is part of your religion or something) understand that a ghost can't harm you, and if they did, having your parents in the room aren't going to make a difference - the ghoul will happily skin you all.

    If you repeat the same pattern of retreating to your parents room, this problem of yours is only going to get worse. So if you want to beat it simply break the pattern. Don't purposely sleep early, get rid of the night light, and most importantly remain in bed even if you're scared shitless. Soon enough you'll be telling those ghosts 'F**k off! I'm going to sleep.'  

  6. I also same like you, sometimes when i going to sleep the room light was off, the room become quiet, i will start feeling and thinking whether is there a ghost around my area. But i tell myself that i didn't disturb them and so they will not disturb me. But i know, it doesn't mean i didn't do anything wrong, nothing will not happen to me but i will praying in my heart that all "buddy sister brother" (ghost) please blessing me and protect me. I will do it especially during chinese 7th month.  And then i will not afraid or scare anymore.

  7. i did have the same prob but then i used "rescue remedy" witch you can get at chemists it is herbal and all u do is put 4 drops on your tongue and it clears your mind and helps you get to sleep try it it worked 4 me!!    

  8. I would try some sleeping pills that would help you stay asleep.  Tylenol "simply sleep" works well.  I would try putting in another night light, in each corner of your room.  

  9. It sounds like you should just go to sleep earlier more often, try and get yourself tired by a bath or something to help you sleep.

    DONT eat before you go to bed it will keep you awake.

    if you do go to bed later it should be if your at a friends or something.

  10. I believe in ghost and all but I don't think you should be worrying about them. I mean do you think a ghost is really going to come and scare you if you have done nothing to offend it?

    Grow up, get over it, you sound like a 5 year old.

    Go see someone professional who can see why you are afraid of the dark or ghost or whatever it really is, I think its all physiological.  

  11. stop watching that ghost c**p. research on the net how they make those so called documentaries. ever wondered why they film them in the dark? or why the noises you hear are inaudible? COS THEYRE FAKED DUDE. the film makers use nightvision cos its easier to hide stuff and the noises are non specific noises they put in when they edit.

    find out more about this and it will put your mind to rest. its all fake- like wrestling.  

  12. Do something that really scares you and then think 'I did that and I was fine so I'm not afraid now!' and then you'll feel braver all the time....or do something to get you tired *cough*s*x*cough* so that you sleep regardless the darkness.

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