
Im afraid of going to College ?

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I just started my senior year. Im a dedicated student but i have this feeling that i will try my very best but will end up failing a class ( That is my biggest fear). I get good grades and all because i complete all my assignments and i work hard . I had a 3.4 last semester in my junior year . I have major difficulties with math and science. I passed both classes but i had to REPEATEDLY ask my teachers for tutoring to get me on the right track. I hear that in college that professors wont just stop in the middle of a lesson to help someone. So will there be ANY type of help that i could ask for ??? I really want to attend college but i dont want to end up failing when i know that i tried my best.




  1. Who told you that the profs never stop?  No matter how large the lecture hall, I sat in front and when my hand went up, the professor stopped to answer!

    Most people are too intimidated to put their hand in the air and have something clarified.  But remember, THEY ARE TEACHING BECAUSE THEY LIKE TO TEACH!  And nothing turns a teacher on than an interested student.  Also, if you're thinking of a question, chances are half the people in the lecture hall are too!  

    The other thing to remember is that you attend LECTURES by the professors, but if it's a big school, TA's (teaching assistants who are grad students) run smaller classroom size classes to help clarify what the prof was talking about.  You can easily ask questions then.

    Please, unless you are really good at construction jobs or technical fields where only a 2 year diploma is awarded, GO to college!  

    You will NEVER regret it!

  2. If you want to attend college you absolutely should give it a try. I just finished my first year at Berkeley and it went really well. I'll admit right away, math and science come easy to me, so we're not exactly in the same boat but I think my advice can still be useful.

    The first thing you need to know is that everybody works hard. It's actually the kids who for whatever reason found high school easy and didn't have to work as hard that I've seen struggle because they aren't used to working as hard as classes require. I've seen students who maybe don't understand things the first time through get straight As because they kept at it and asked for help.

    That's another important thing to know. Yes, it's true, during large lecture classes, professors seem to like to just get through the class without interruption and it may seem scary to ask a question in the middle of a big class, but, at least at every school I know, professors have office hours where they welcome students to come in and receive individual attention. Also, if a class is big enough that you don't get to actually discuss the material in class, there will be graduate students who facilitate discussion sessions and also have office hours to give you individual attention. Also, you should be able to find tutoring and study group help really easily. And there's nothing wrong with getting help, just because you need some to understand the material doesn't mean you're not allowed to learn it.

    Absolutely do not be so afraid of college that you don't attend. If you have the desire, you will succeed! So get started on your college search now!!!  

  3. just pray it really works

  4. Please go to college! Don't let fear hold you back. My suggestion to you if you are interested in having more interaction and help from your professors is to go to a smaller college. Smaller colleges does not automatically mean badly rated schools nor does it mean community college or tech school. Look into that. Ok so you're not good at math and science. That's ok. There are alot of people who are in the same boat as you. I am not that great at either of the subjects. I chose to double major in communications and psychology.  Learned so much and had to only take one math class and one science as electives.  I loved all my psych and comm professors. They were understanding and always willing to help.  College does not mean failure and it does not mean all math and science. college is so much better than high school. Just stay focused and always be humble and willing to be teachable.  GO TO COLLEGE!!! Research for student to teacher ratios when it comes to colleges! Good luck to you! Remember there are some very good majors and you can do alot of good and help alot of people including yourself when you have a good education.  Take Care!

  5. There is always the fear and also the chance of failing a class. There is usually tutoring available in the student union or you can hire someone to tutor you.

  6. dont worry.... as long as you work you azz off in college you will be fine

    and just think...millions of people people have graduated college before you...if they can do it, you can do it

  7. You understand that our thoughts are creative

    Also that likes attract likes

    The fear of not passing will  create not passing

    First of all  you said in your last sentence  

    want to know you tried your best

    Question  when  have you ever  not tried your best

    A more positive approach  is  required  

    example   i will  do everything in my power  to reach my goals

    the goal of passing my courses  

    I believe you will put in extra work   find a student who  tutors others in  your situation

    you might want to consider a military  option  with school part time

    or some other avenue     while you take the classes you have trouble with  one or two at a time   instead of the whole   load

  8. I was afraid that I wouldn't do well either.  I failed my first test and I panicked.  But I got help from the teacher, studied more, paid more attention to my assignments, and I ended up getting an A for the class.  You just have to continue to do what you have to do.  So what if you need to ask a lot of questions and get tutoring and extra help?  You're doing all you can to succeed.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  You are in a great position for college.

  9. You really should go to college if you're smart enough which it sounds like you are!  Don't be affraid of failure, you need if to know what success feels like.  And it sounds like you just need a smaller college with smaller classes, and you won't have a problem at all getting your questions answered by professers (I went to a huge Uni and I had no problem).  Most professors love teaching and totally don't mind stopping to answer to occasional question (that doesn't make them repeat something they already answered!).  Good Luck and go for it!

  10. Colleges have tutoring available, and centers to assist.  Make sure you find and use them.  If you are in a small class ASK questions.  If you have a question, most likely others do to.  Profs have office hours, USE them.  Make sure you read before you come to class and study everyday.  Take good notes.  There are sites on the internet that give you examples of how to take good notes (Cornell note taking it).  The difference between high school and college is that there are fewer assignments.  If your text has practice exams, do them.  Good luck to you!  (college psych prof)

  11. Don't be afraid. Math and Science are my best subject but I was horrible in everything else and had to work hard. I graduated from Texas A&M with my B.S. in chemical engineering and awarded engineering student of the year and the reason was because i worked at what I was good at and really worked hard at what I wasn't good at. Don't stress about college it'll be fine. There is plenty of tutors in college and this is true the professor won't stop the lecture and help but if you can talk with him after a class I'd suggest it or maybe a TA(teachers assistant) they can be helpful.

  12. Things are going to be okay, really.

    It sounds as though you would benefit from attending a smaller university.  The advantage of a small college/university is that the classes are smaller and are not taught by graduate students.  You won't get lost in the crowd at a big lecture hall, and your professors will have a chance to get to know you - and help you.

    All the best.

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