
Im afraid of ..?

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Im about to be 15.

and going to high school for the first time.

Well yeah im afraid of living up all my life and never having time for myself.

Because i have high school after high school . college and when i get out of that *which will take 4-8 years* i have to work.

How am i ever going to find time to have fun and do wild teenage things if all i can think of is focusing on my future?




  1. dude i now how you feel i'm going in to high school my self and thats on my mind to but come on it''s summer vacation relax. but if you have a job that can be tough so try to have fun on your days off and just hang with your buds....try not to focus so much on your future because you have about 4 years to think about that!! remember your just a teenager not a adult yet so make room for some fun once and a while.....................

  2. You get out of school in the afternoon and have the weekends off. There is your time. Trust me, your future self will thank you if you stay focused now.

  3. Dear friend,

    First of all, take out the element of fear and be brave to accept the forthcoming challenges. Either you work hard till graduation to beat out your competitors and appear for Civil Service Examination and relax for the rest of your life. If you want time to make fun and deviate your attention from the studies, the rest of life will be full of miseries. That's up to you which path of live you want to choose. God may prevail good sense in you.

  4. If you manage your time, you will find that you will have plenty of time to do anything you want. I myself am terrible at it. My sister, however, took pretty much every ap/honors class and graduated d**n near the top of her class. She did every assignment beforehand, managed her time well. She had a good 2-3 days a week to hang around every week.
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