
Im afraid of the future, i want to kill myself?

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i have stopped connecting with my friends i dont think they really care whenever i try to tell them im lonely they think im joking, my family does not care about me they think i am a burden, i would like to have a job im already 21 but there is no available job yet for i will graduate next year, i feel like crying most of the time, i dont even believe it when a guy says im beautiful i always feel that person is only joking, how do i even begin to love others when i cannot love myself and i feel like isolating and eating alone most of the time, i dont even have money for a therapist, therapy and depression is not even understood yet in my country, how do i deal with this, how do i stop thinking i need to die to escape my lonely boring existence?




  1. go to your local GP and he can give you advice and also try to be more confident about your self hold your head up high and go out more and getting good grades when you graduate will get you a good job and hold your chin up high girl you only live once people don't like you its there problem and there missing out always believe in your self.  

  2. Cool, all are chicken's talk only. Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and Massachusetts Institute of Technology surely agree my saying hor? Right, Professor Low? hahah oh, My GCE O levels are from Cambridge University. India? lol....what's that? haha

  3. you need to take life serious

    living is hard for everyone.

    how is this possible that your family thinks you're a burden???they have cared about you all this time,gone out of their way to help you out in the worst moments of your life?

    you need to find some real friends for yourself.all you need is a genuine friend.I've been in the same situation.many of of my friends had let me to your current friends seriously so that they'll understand you're not joking.

    and about your still got so much time.I know a person with phd who is a taxi driver.come on now! you're still young and I'm sure after sometime that you prove your efficiency,everyone will be looking for you as their employee.the only thing you must do is wait and be patient

    and you're beautiful. why don't you want to accept that fact?

    if you start treating others in a serious way, everyone will behave seriously towards you.then you'll figure it out that they're not kidding

    and you're exactly right.first try to love yourself,your life and your family then automatically you will love others and they will love you back for sure

    you don't need to visit a therapist and you know're fine.depression???I don't believe in depression you can recover if you desire.

    you need to prove it to everyone how strong you are and live while you're alive.

  4. Same boat, read the greek philosophers, it helps

    and live in the moment

  5. 21, atheist, suicidal, long time ago i was you. go and spit in your brother's face, that might cheer you up, i slapped my dad

  6. Good, Offer yourself to me, respectively! hhaha...u will never know what u can do amazingly from me. hee hee..

    yo, honey are u ready? hee hee i am 2. OH DOG, dun meow from me when u are good at WOOF Woof WOOF only ok? lol.

  7. Visit your family doctor or a GP.There are medicines for this kind of conditions and you will feel okay.Take your parents into confidence and tell them the need for a doctor by revealing your thoughts. I'am sure they will take you to the doctor or thereapist.

  8. See dear, first you have to thank your parents and god to gave you a chance to live in this universe.  All the live and dead things are living. have you ever seen a bee.  It catches all the honey and keep that for their future.  But the human beings are grabbing that.  Again the honey is collecting by the bees.  Its rotuine.  You have to live in the world as you like.  No right for sucide.  Try for a contineous engagement in work.  It will help you.

  9. good evening sister

    i had also same situation,my father is a doctor,mother is also doctor and sister is also doing mbbs, and i am a philosophy honors student hindu collge

    my parents love my sister,she go by plane here and there,my parents beat me and always exploite me and never give me pocket money,my sister go by car in collge and i by cycle

    this is because i revolt against them and take arts side and not became a doctor,i also remian isolate most of the time and never talk to anyone much in my collge,i remain in frustation most the times

    Your problem solution my sister

    from 3 months i am practicing Sun gazing,we had to concentrate on the rising sun,in 1 month  just i feel great power inside me,all my depression had gone sister,it is great,i get energy from sun and my mental strenght had also increase to a great extent,all my frustation had been added,it is practice through we get energy from sun,it will make you powerful

    it will make you so powerful that if i look in the eyes of any girl the girl get attract,it had thousands of benefits

    on first day do it for 10 seconds than increase 10 seconds daily,your all the problem will be solved

    i am telling you my own expierence sister,search out sun gazing on google also

    earlier i go to aiims many times,i also had deepresion but i cant able to cure it,but through sun gazing all my problems physical as well as mental had been solved

    i am telling you for your own benefit,it is simple practice,do it in morning time when the sun is will make you as powerful as lion

    my  dear sister we had to adjust with the parents,every human being not get everything

    do hard work in your life and get sucess,and shut the mouth of your parents,as i had done

    which human being on this earth mahatma gandhi,alexander the great,bruce lee, not face problems did they commit sucide no.

    there is a quotation

    " diffculties and calamities became beautiful when one face them bravely and fight against them"


    so sister god bless you,i have no sister you are my sister now,god will give you beauty,power and strenght,i know you are beautiful

    please do sun gazing regulalry

    good bye all the best for life and future,be happy

    give tension to others never take it haa haa

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