
Im afraid to swim in the ocean?

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Okay, here's the deal. I love going to the beach, but im afraid to go into the water in fear of the things I don't see, such as sting-rays, horse shoe crabs, jelly fish, and fish that swim around your feet. I go to the Jersey shore, but never go for a swim in the ocean. Please help me overcome my fear, I want to swim around and jump in the waves and just have fun with all my friends.




  1. I used to have the same problem! What I did was just ease into it. Like go in for a little bit and then come out and go deeper each time. I still get a little anxious when I go to the ocean but I haven't had any bad experiences yet [knock on wood] Good luck and I hope this helps.

  2. Contrary to the usual "go for it advice" you'll probably receive, I will say don't do this unless you are a strong swimmer.  If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to wear some type of life preserver.  The ocean can be a lot trickier to swim in than a lake, a pool or a bay so be careful and don't exceed your limits unless you have someone around to help you if you do.  I'm all for pushing one's comfort level, but this is something you should do with a lot of caution.  Good luck, and in spite of my negativity, have fun!

  3. Life is more than love and pleasure.

    I came here to dig for treasure.

    If you want to play you gotta pay

    You always know it's been that way.

    We all come to dig for treasure.-- Shark Puppy

  4. i just went to the beach a couple of weeks ago and i had the same fear of jellyfish and horshoe r a couple of tips i delt with it-

    fish..they won't bite or eat don't worry about them

    stingrays and horshoe crabs aren't stupid...they don't go near crowded just stay near ur fam or ur buddies

    doing research on them u get myths away from facts.. good luck boggie boarding IS REALLY FUN!

  5. I live on the water and one thing i know is that no animal considers you food. I see sharks swimming all the time and they have never gone after me. The main thing is just to be aware of what is around you and don't mess with the animals.

  6. First play with sea shore species....then slowly get into the water by practising the swimming.

  7. Learn the fastest stroke--the front crawl--if you must swim often in the sea. It is wise to play or swim only in waist-high water, so you have a good chance of making to shore and safety, if a shark should come along!

    There are also the hidden and unexpected currents, uneven or muddy bottoms in the sea, and poisonous marine creatures such as stone-fishes and the others that u have mentioned.

    It is always better to use a swimming pool, where you can advance your water skills, and learn more swimming styles. You cant really do that at sea, in the river or canal. Cheers, hope the above tips, will ensure greater safety for you and your dear ones!!

  8. I was afraid too. When I was younger I wouldn't go any deeper than my knees in the ocean. I couldn't see what was under the water and was afraid that everything would get me. I was the same way in lakes and rivers too. I did not get over my fear till I was 28. The thing that got me over it was scuba diving. My girlfriend was a diver and signed me up for the class. I was fine in the pool but terrified when we went to the open water. Until I went under. Now that I have seen and touched many of the things that are under there I am not afraid. I've now started surfing and body boarding and surface swimming too. A little fear is good, but do something about it. Don't let it control you like it did me for so long. I can't believe how much fun I have with all the activities I missed as a kid. You can start diving at 10 years old and I will be starting my kids when they get that old. Just so they can grow up enjoying the things I missed out on.

    Good luck conquering your fear.

  9. Just think about all the people that ARE in the water. One day you'll look back and see all of these fears as petty. DON'T miss out on the fun. You only have ONE life. =o))

  10. I was born and raised in Jersey and Jersey shore kicks @ss! Get out into the water now and learn to not even think about it. Focus on having fun.

    As a kid I nearly drowned in the deep end of a pool, I've fallen through an icy pond, I've been caught in a few riptides (one of them was extremely close... the most terrifying and exhausting time of my life without comparison), and I had a few bad wipe outs from waves.

    So yah...i got good reason to be afraid of the water. Water I can't see through is not a pleasant thing for me. But I never let it get to me. What you need to do to overcome your fear is just realize you don't need to worry so much. If anything is to happen, well then it happened. That is when you focus on getting out. I'll be completely honest with you, I felt a few whiskers and squirmy things at jersey shore. h**l, I even been stung by jellyfish. But chances are it will not happen to you, because... you are not me lol. Stay close to your friends if it helps at first and never let yourself think about your fears. Don't think. Stop that right now. Go have fun. The more your in the water, the more you can enjoy it.

    Oh, and pick up a skimboard! but skimming is not exactly totally in the ocean... =p

  11. research the beach areas you go to-chances are many species you fear dont even live there! also, beaches at lakes are just as exciting and "safer". And any fish swimming around your feet is more scared of you than you are of it.

  12. I'm not crazy about the ocean either but mine is mostly because I'm a terrible swimmer and I worry about under currents.  Probably the easiest way to overcome your fear is to just jump in! Swim in the ocean and after a while you'll realize how fun it is and safe too.

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