
Im afriad to play voleyball. Can someone help me out?

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I really love playing volleyball and im really good at it. The only thing thats holding me back is the fact that im afraid to play in front of people. Im afraid that if i s***w up people will laugh at me. All my friends are going to tryout this year and i really wannna but im just scared... i need help.




  1. When i first started playing volleyball i was terrified. But you know what, its just something that your going to have to get used to, people watching you and judging you. Especially if you would want to play in college. There are always going to be people at your games.

    Just tryout and when you make the team just be confident in yourself. If someone laughs at you, just ignore them. Nobody is perfect and EVERYONE is going to mess up at some point. Dont let your fears hold you back.

    Good luck!

  2. Girl if ur really good at it than go for it!

    Who cares what other people think. Who knows i bet you will make it and all the other people will s***w up :)

    hope you make it&

    hope i helped :)


    jUST REmember: it doesnt matter what other people think. (remember that and u will gain soooo much slef confidence) :D

  3. Aww, don't worry, most people feel that way when they first try out too! But, the thing is, you can't let what other people think of you to hold you back especially if you love the sport.

    Believe me, I sucked at volleyball when I first started my high school team (I wasn't even allowed to play a game until late in the season). I screwed up all the time, but my coach was patient and kept working with me even though lots of times I wanted to quit. Your coach is probably going to be the same way. During your practices, I'm sure you're going to improve lots!

    Besides, it's not like you're going to be the only one s******g up. It's pretty impossible to be a 100% perfect all-the-time volleyball player. Just shake it off and keep playing. Do it for yourself, not for other people.

    That said, you have friends on the team. If anyone is mean to you, they can kick that person's butt and prove them wrong =D

    Good luck!

  4. I've screwed up before and got laughed at... and I'm still alive

    just do it. it's all i can say. it's all you can do. if you don't do it you're going to p**s yourself off.

    is it just volleyball your afraid of? if you have this kind of fear with lots of things maybe you should talk to someone... just saying

  5. Everyone makes mistakes in volleyball.  If no one ever made a mistake, there would have to be a time limit.  There would only be one rally.  

    And there are always rude people that laugh at other people when they make mistakes.  Forget them.  

    Concentrate on the area between the lines.  The game is the only important thing.  If you spend time looking outside the lines (as in looking at the crowd), you will mess up more.  There is only one person that you have to impress.  YOU.  If you think you did your best, do not worry about anything other people think.  (I am a very difficult person to please when it comes to evaluating the things that I do.  I can always find things to improve.  I am more difficult to please than anyone else that evaluates me.)  

    Breathe deeply and just watch the ball.

  6. Trust me,playing volleyball in front of people can be intimidating.When I first started playing volleyball, I was scared that people were going to laugh at me too.However,that's not case;there are millions and millions of times that people (including myself) will s***w up and nobody is going to laugh because you know's part of volleyball,s******g up is bound to happen.So don't let your fears overpower your love of volleyball!!!

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