
Im an 18 year old girl getting ready to be a senior in high school..does my mom have the right to???

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tell me i need to be home by 11 pm if i go out..and that i cant go to clubs?

i understand i live under her roof but isnt that kind of extreme?




  1. Indulge your mom a bit. Do as she asks most of the time. She is just attempting to protect you. None of us know as much as we think we do. Push her limits a bit maybe. Go to the concert if its that important to you and see what happens. At that time attempt to rework the rules. A parent would rather have some control than no control.

    I am going thru exactly what you are but I am the parent. We have about come to an understanding. I am told in advance. I know who and when and why. I have constant contact by text and phone if I desire. I get pushed. I push back. We find a middle ground. It is understood that at any moment I may be standing right there. (I never am)

    My power is I have the money. His power is that I care about him.

  2. Her house, her rules -- as long as you are dependent on her for food, clothing and shelter, then yes, you follow her rules.

    That doesn't mean that, at 18, you can't take a mature approach and ask her in a calm and mature fashion for some loosening of the rule on an occasional basis.  But the moment you start to whine, then in your mom's mind, you're 8 years old, not 18.  

  3. I see your point. You've probably been waiting until your 18 to finally have full freedom from your parents. Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but just like living anywhere else, you follow the rules, or there are consequences. You don't pay your light bill, you get kicked out.  In this case, you're not home when you're told, you'll probably get kicked out.  If it really is a huge problem for you, you have to right to move. You are of age.  Until then, suck it up.

  4. yes, she does have that right.  i know it sucks, its just 1 year and you can run away to college.  

  5. as long as you are living under her roof she can tell u whatever she wants, its up to you to listen or not! I mean u r 18, u dont have to and if i was in ur shoes, i wouldnt listen

  6. She has the right to set the rules for her household.

    You, however, do have the right to move out if you don't like her rules.

    All the best.

  7. Your mom has the right to set these ground rules!  Even though you are 18!  No matter whose home you live in, you need to respect the rules of your parents, guardians, etc.  If you want your own rules, the only advise I have would be to move out!  Don't go against your moms wishes, it will only cause fights and hard feelings!  Besides, 11pm is still pretty late for an 18 year old.  Keep showing your mom you are a "grown up" and maybe ask her to reconsider lengthening your curfew for doing extra chores, making all A's, etc.... good luck!

  8. Yesh, she does have the right if you are living in her house.  You're still in high school so whether you like it or not, she's the adult and makes the decisions.  If you don't like it, then you will need to somehow come up with enough money and a stable enough job to live on your own.  Very unlikely being that you're in high school.  Once you go to college, live in the dorms.  Then she'll have no say over your curfew, but if you're living at home, she has that right.  Quit whining and act like the "adult" you think you are.  She's trying to keep you from making bad mistakes.  I was a good teenager too and didn't get in trouble, but my parents still had rules.  I respected them.  It's just showing she cares about your well-being.

  9. She is being a bit extreme, however, on this one, bold defiance is not the way to go. Sit your mother down and talk to her about compromising. Get her to understand that you are an adult and you do deserve your freedom, that you can handle it responsibly, and that you also understand that you do live under her roof, however you find her 'laws' somewhat unreasonable. She needs to learn to trust you. If she doesn't want to loosen up a little bit, then you need to move out ASAP. Compromise is the only path to equal happiness.

  10. Yeah she has every right to do that. You ARE living under her roof with her rules etc. Since you are 18 you could move out, but since you're in school I don't think it'd be a great idea.

    But on the topic that you're a good kid, I'd keep the good child attitude and try to compromise with your mom.

    I'm 16 (17 in December) and going into grade 12, also becoming a senior this year. During weekends and the summer I can stay out until 12am-1am, and no later than that. During the week and school days we've decided on an 11pm cerfew. If you're in school, you're still growing and you need your sleep to be able to funciton properly. You need to get things done to your full ability.

    Being in at 11 during school shouldn't be a problem at all. You'll realize you won't disagree with it at all.

    But to get some compromising aciton, I'd definately push for a 12am cerfew for weekends and the summer.  


  11. I would say, her house, her rules. Trust me adhering to her rules is a lot easier then going it on your own. Enjoy living rent free for a little while longer. Trust me you will have plenty of time to do the stuff you want to do when you go to college, or move out. I would trade going to a club, and staying out late for free rent, and food anytime! She loves you and cares about your well being. She is not trying to make your life miserable. A lot of good teenagers can get into some real trouble their senior year because they feel like the the coast is clear. She may be trying to make sure you make a safe last year of high school before her baby enters the big mean world. (being a mom, thats how I would feel)

    Feel lucky you have a parent that cares for you.

    Happy Senior year!

  12. what is wrong with all of you .... u can do whateva u want to do... u are 18 and should be partying all night long and getting drunk and getting high.


  13. Mom's house, mom's rules.  Mom's worry and can't help but be aware of your comings and goings.  Why not take mom with you?

  14. Well you do live at home, therefore you have to abide by her rules... sucks for you though, when i was 18 i didnt have to be home till I had a life. this was on the weekends only

  15. Absolutely not!! YOU ARE 18!! You shouldn't even be getting into clubs. YOu have the rest of your life to experience things like this. These are the things that make college & adult life fun...don't rush it!

  16. Your still living under her roof and going to school. She has that right up until you move out and graduate. At least shes letting you go out she could be the kind of parent to keep you locked in the house. Don't worry so much about going out now you have more important things to think about such as school work. You can go out when you get older and stay out until the sun comes out the following week if you want. If you don't like her rules do what some people already said move out.

  17. Yes she does.  You are living under her roof and are paying no bills.  She's your mother.  You will understand when you have kids.  Maybe you haven't made any mistakes.. then she might want to keep it that way.  Just listen to your mom..  

  18. No, it's not extreme. You're still in high school and you still live under her roof. Growing up I was always told "As long as you live in my house, you'll follow my rules" I know you think it sucks right now but they only do it because they love you and they worry. Once you're older and  have kids of your own someday, you'll understand why she did it.

  19. No it's not kind of extreme.  

    How are you 18 and not a senior yet?

  20. Regardless of your grades, she provides the housing, she makes the rules. If you want to go out and do all that crazy stuff..then by all means go and do, she legally can't stop you.

    But what she can legally do, since you are of age...change the locks and throw all your stuff out.

    See my point? Your better off doing what mom says till you get a job and can support yourself...

  21. as long as you live in her house, it's her rules.  You have no idea how much your mom does for you that you don't even know about.

    A high school student has no business being in clubs anyway, I don't care if you're 18 or not.

  22. Yes, I think she does. It doesn't sound too extreme to me--but then this is coming from someone who doesn't like clubs--they're loud and crowded and...ew. Maybe you could negotiate with your parents to get later curfews for certain occasions, like if there's something special going on. If you accept your curfew maturely and act responsibly they're more likely to be willing to ease up on it as time goes on.

  23. No that is not that can have plenty of fun before 11pm.

       It sounds like she really cares for you!  

  24. I was just like you and as annoying as it is, your mom is right.

    Dont worry, soon enough she will realize your responsible and let you go out more.

    Plus clubs are full of disgusting sweaty horny people.

  25. You can go to clubs if you are legally old enough...thats all there is to it. As for the curfew...personally I think its rediculous but I guess it is a case of her house, her rules. Talk to her about it and come to some kinda agreement and compromise.

  26. if you live in her house, she does have the right to tell you to leave.  its sucks, but its true.

  27. well, Yes she is going extreme. My mom is like that too. Parents mothers specially are dictators. Even though you make good grades is whatever they want.

    My advice to you is move if you can or try to deal with it because parents do not change. Most parents these days do not listen. They just argue. Since you are a guy they should not be treating you like that.

  28. legally no, but she can kick you out which i dont think you want, she just doesnt want to lose you to the fast life. she is looking out for you you should be gratful that she cares so much.

    it is easier now for you to make mistakes and get in worse trouble especially at eighteen. but if you feel you are responsible enough to do right than sit and talk with her about it. tell her how you feel.  

  29. well 11 p.m. this is normal. and you can't get into club unless you are 21 anyway. idk about the concert thing if they make an exception though. good luck

  30. She has the right. She has the right to not support you anymore. She has the right to make you move out of the house since you think you are grown up. She has the right to let you do all of your cooking and cleaning and pay utilities.  No it is not extreme. You sound a little entitled.

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