
Im an Aussie from Melbourne?

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  1. im an aussie from a country town about 2 hours from melbourne

  2. Im an Aussie from Melbourne too!

    awesome ey?

  3. Aussie from queensland (:

  4. I'm an American girl from Georgia.

  5. Aussie from Brisbane.

  6. I'm Irish from Dublin!

  7. i'm and American from Michigan and i love Aussies

  8. Hate to show off, but I am from the Golden Sunshine Coast where the weather is beautiful one day and perfect the next. :)

  9. Sunshine coast Qld

  10. Im an English girl from London g'day Aussies

  11. I'm an American from Virginia.

  12. I'm a Canadian in Italy

    . . . but I wish I were an Aussie too, everyone I've met from Australia are the most awesome people I know!!!

  13. I'm an Aussie from Newcastle!

  14. I'm and Aussie from Sydney

  15. American from Florida

  16. im an Aussie from WA, is there any one else from katanning on Yahoo

  17. I'm an Aussie from Sydney.

  18. I'm an Aussie from Brisbane, but I used to be from Melbourne.

    G'day mate!

  19. I'm an Aussie from Sydney!

  20. im an aussie in Sydney!

  21. I am an Aussie - born in Thailand - living in southern New South Wales - where they play the REAL football. (hehe)


  22. Aussie from Sydney

  23. I'm an Aussie from Queensland♥



  24. Ditto! as you know

  25. I'm an Aussie from sydney!!!

  26. im a Skippy, born in Sydney now live 2hrs north in Newcastle

  27. I'm a hillbilly from Appalachia, USA. Howdy, Y'all

  28. I'm a Ukrainian living in US but moving to Brisbane in 27 days! Yeah!

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