
Im an alien, what is a city?

by Guest62416  |  earlier

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If you had to tell an alien what a city was, how would you describe it?




  1. You mean you are a Australian not Alien unless your from another planet. A city is like a village only alot bigger. a city is a place where a lot of families live near each other, where as there are stores that sells certain items like grocery stores, gas stations, hardware stores, stores to buy appliances, automobiles, candy bars pets, electronics, houses etc.

  2. What does it matter? your an alien

  3. Earth is our planet. The big masses of land on our planet are called continents. In those continents, there are countries. Within those are states, and within those, are cities. Cities have their own schools, police departements, and hospitals. Within those, there are neigborhoods, which are composed of streets, which are made up of houses and buildings, that hold living quarters for people and business places.

  4. cities are vectors for expression of human commerce,reproduction,accretion, and eventual deterioration.

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