
Im an aspiring "get in the hole" guy at golf events, does anyone have any suggestions?

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i want to be the obnoxiously loud guy that yells "in the hole" right after any shot. anyone else think this is a good dream? i'm thinking about doing it full time.




  1. Just make sure you position yourself on the tee of Par 5's, and scream away.

  2. Learn Greek

  3. No. Please stay home.

  4. Are you sure you want to enter such a crowded, and also talented field? Like so many that have come before you, you must have a great dream, so just go for it!

    Just remember that to really be effective, you need to be ready to exhault your catch phrase at the very moment the ball leaves the club face. Don't concern your self with petty, nagging thoughts like "am I a distraction?", or "maybe I should let the professional be the star attraction". Without you  there's just no chance of the golfer in question achieving his or her hole-out. It all rests on your broad shoulder my friend, can you handle the pressure?

  5. Yes, besides get in the hole, one of the funniest things you can possibly say is, "Get in the hole, TIGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when Tiger isn't playing in the group. I saw this one time and it had to be so depressing for the people in the group.

  6. You first have to train as the "YOU DA MAN" guy before you can graduate to "GET IN THE HOLE" guy. I'll be listening for you.

  7. One of the most annoying things about American golf is this stadium-like rooting. "In the hole!" is probably the most obnoxious of any nonsense folks holler out there.  

    But I think it's a great dream!  But you gotta do a couple of other things to really take it to the next level:  

    -Take your mobile phone, even if you have to hide it.  Have your buds call you when you are out there.

    -Make sure that phone you take has a camera.  Take loud pics in the middle of the backswing.  

    -Cheer when someone makes a bad shot, especially if they are from Europe.

    -After your hero has putted out, quickly move to the next tee without regard to who is still putting.

    All of these things will take your dreams to the highest level.

  8. You have to join the OLG Union first before you can yell "get in the hole". Their dues are very expensive.

  9. Your aspirations are sad and even your sense of entertainment is twisted..............a good alternate profession for you might be a professional dancing sign holder or maybe a campaign adviser for last weeks "Idol" loser.

  10. Everyone needs a dream, you've certainly aimed high. Why not go to the next leave and carry a John 3:16 sign to NFL games?

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