
Im an atheist, but this is a question to support the christians?

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So i am an atheist, but ive been thinking....

Now i dont know much about 'string theory' but i know briefly that its about the possibilty of paralel universes...

Paralel universes seem very hard to believe in, but if some scientist are willinging to believe that other 'worlds' could exist....



well could that mean its plausable that 'heaven' could exist? and perhaps a god?

The idea of heaven and god sounds CRAZY to me, and so does string theory. But if some scientists believe in it....well is the idea of god not so crazy after all?

What are your thoughts?




  1. Hmmm... I do believe that there is a higher power, God... maybe not...

    who are we to say? But i do think that the idea of evolution is a very crazy idea... now this string theory thing does sound a bit unreal, but i find it hard to beleive that out planet is the only one in existance that has life on it. I don't think that the universe ever ends. I believe that it just goes on for eternity. Who knows? Maybe some questions just arent meant to be answered... Not sure if this is what you were looking for  but i was on a roll...... oh now that i read the nightmare before xmas's reply i totally agree with her... but it just seems right... not saying i think it is...

  2. Bryan Greene is over-thinking this subject, Im not a fan of the theory.

    and if such a thing exists it wouldn't be a "world" like you say, it would be a different dimension or as Lisa Randall calls it, a brane.

  3. Maybe there's a parallel universe where pentecostals talk normally and everyone else rolls around floors and bangs their head on chairs while screaming LALALALALALALA.

    Seriously though, it's conceivable that parallel universes exist, but they would have to make internal sense.  Being that christianity like every other religion is internally inconsistent, I don't think it's possible to have a parallel universe where christianity would be a true religion, or a parallel universe that was the christian heaven or h**l.

    It also doesn't make sense that your brain stopping to function (death) would cause a gateway to a parallel universe to open.

  4. The 11 dimensions mentioned in string theory refers to 11 measurable axis in the same way that 3 dimensions refers to height, width and depth, not as parallel universes or whatever.

    d**n you science fiction for confusing the use of the word "dimension"...

  5. Basically this is saying anything is possible. So sure its as likely as there is a parallel universe where superior aliens spun out our universe in a lab experiment and seeded it with us an experimental life form they developed. They themselves are the product of the creator god Cthulle though who lives in yet another parallel universe. The great Cthulle prefers an advanced cat race as his favored creations. There is no reason based on the evidence we have now though to hold a positive belief in any of these scenarios being actually true. People will and do believe in all sorts of things. I tend to stick to the facts we have at this point and hard evidence before I adopt a positive belief in something.

  6. No, the only other parallel universe has Ceiling Cat as the creator.


  7. Since God created the earth and all that is on it and put man on it to live and give him all other living creatures under him along with all the beauty and wanders, what makes anyone think there could be other human life else where?

    If God wanted man to live on other planets, he would have made it for man to travel and sit up housekeeping along with building homes to live in on these planets, wouldn't he?

    Wouldn't he had made these planets air breathable for humans or animals?

    Sounds like that the scientist are looking for anything to try and prove themselves foolish.

    God created man, the universe, the stars,sun and moon.

    No other planet can sustain life as we have here on the earth.

  8. It's very possible that God is a multidimensional being that interacts across all the parallel universes.  It's possible that this universe has had to evolve over time in order to become stable in its current state.  String theory and science in general are pointing to a god-like complexity.

    We have a limited perception of reality.  Maybe God and the devil and angels are actually entities communicating from parallel universes.  Think about how a person's image changes as you move closer to or further away from it.  Think about how a person's image changes over time.  There's no limit to how strange a person could look if they were distant from you on another dimension.  For all we know, those grey aliens you hear about might be us, human beings, living across a hidden dimension.  They only appear to be aliens because our perception of them is distorted, just as people appear to get smaller when they move further away from you.

  9. scientists aren't flying planes into buildings because they believe in string theory... you see the distinction  

  10. There are literally billions of galaxies.  There definitely is some form of life on many of these planets.  It doesn't have anything to do with God/Gods though.

  11. Before I was Christian I thought like you.

    But what is 'crazy'? what is reality? something we make up based on 'knowledge'?

    God gave us free will to think what we want and that sadly includes reasoning to not believe in him.

    We are meer humans making up the concept 'crazy'.

    Think about it:

    You know how we think thoose people who say they`ve seen Aliens or something. We think, thats crazy!

    Perhaps we think its so "crazy" b/c we have never EXPERIENCED it ourselves so its out of the norm and isn`t quite imaginable so we label it 'crazy'!.

  12. Some say that the apostle Paul alluded to a fourth dimension when he said in Ephesians 3: 18, “May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;”

  13. If they can support that theory, be open to the principles. But of course, balance youropen-mindedness with objectivity; you just dont take in things, consider things.

  14. Whoa, that's a way in which I never thought about it. Heaven is just another world in a string of worlds... That sounds strangely right.

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