
Im an english teacher for 4 year olds, and i have to teach them about the solar system?

by Guest66961  |  earlier

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Hello, im sam, and this is my fisrt ever job. im 18, no experience, and wonderfull at it, everyone is really impressed with me. Just one small boss has chosen an unnapropiate excursion for the children, I work at a rather poncy "nursery school" wich is doing an english summer camp. Here, they are divided in 3 groups: 3-4 year olds, 4-5 year olds (my group) and 6-7 year olds. We have to take all 3 groups to a science museum based on the solar system. but I have to teach them about the solar system first. How can I do that, when these kids are a) spanish, b) cant even write further than their own name, and c) wont understand half of it¿?. I need help please...thanks very much!




  1. My Very Energetic Mum Just Served Us Nine Pizza's.

    Mars Venus Earth Mars Jupitar Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.

    I think I've remembered it correctly. Just keep it simple. Kids love rhyme and actions, song and creativity.

  2. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun Just learn the stuff you need to before you go to school.

  3. Learn through play...this is universal :)

    Maybe you can find a book such as on amazon there's one called 'aliens love underpants'...children will extend their literacy and english...maybe a parent can translate book for you. You can use story as basis for learning about planets...children can make planets---using pictures off the web or a book to see what he planets look like-the colours, sizes etc (which is biggest, which colour do you like etc support understanding).

    Sing songs about outer space, make aliens etc....its about free expression so children dont have to worry too much about language barrier.

  4. Pictures models, and making them listen and dance to a song about it.

  5. Pictures and models work wonders with children.  The more colour the better.  THey all understand what earth is and the moon and sun, so start there.  Use balls (baseballs, golf balls, soccerballs) or different sized styrofoam balls and paint them different colours.  This way you can put them in order and show the different sizes and tell them their names.

  6. make it simple teach them the planets names  tell them that this is the way the solar system looks they each spin this palnt is made of gas this planet is made like rock like the earth this is the way they travel on the imaginary lines this is how hot the sun is this is how big the sun is comapred to the earth simple stuuf make a small solar system and show them but make it very realistic and cool looking so theyll pay attention and be interested in it also give them the nick names like th red palnet and stuff

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