
Im an estetician thinking about working on a cruise ship, ?

by Guest33538  |  earlier

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can someone plese tell me what kind of hours you work, if you can mingle with the passengers, how long I will be out on the boat and if I get days off in between. Any information about this job would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and wihch cruise line would you recomend working for, and are there web sites I can get more information on this kind of a job? Thank You!




  1. You usually sign up for a term... usually around 6 months at a time. That means you'll be living on the ship going from place to place for as long as the term. Crew quarters are very tight - not a lot of space and typically shared with 3 roommates.

    Although you will get days off while the ship is at sea... it won't be like you can go hang by the pool or bar like a passenger. You'll have to stay in crew areas, etc. there's no "mingling" with passengers on board. If your day off happens to be while the ship is at port, you may be allowed to go tour the sites... but you'll have to be back in time to start your shift or help with other tasks. You won't be going on guest excursions... you'll have to make your own fun.

    Banking can kind of be tough as you're traveling too. Most of the time you can sign up for direct deposit for your pay - but that doesn't mean you'll have access to it everywhere you go. (remember, if you're using ATMs you may get hit with big fees). At the same time, you don't want to carry a bunch of cash in such tight crew quarters.

    Long story short - expect to work long hours, expect to work many days, expect to not have much time to yourself, and expect to see a lot of great places.  

  2. I think you should contact the cruise agencies and ask them about requirements for this specific job. If you have connections with your school where you trained you can ask them what they know about the industry and where to go.

    best wishes.

  3. Beats me what an estetician is, but jobs working on cruise boats usually don't pay very much money. Sometimes about all you get is the chance to take the trip. The ship's doctor on a cruise I took one time, only got a free cruise in exchange for serving as ship's doctor. You'd be on the boat until the cruise is over, and have days off while the boat was docked.  

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