
Im an idiot. Will he breakup with me for this?!?

by  |  earlier

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so i needed to talk to my boyfriend about something. so i texted him "i need to talk to you." but im not gonna breakup with him, i just need to talk to him about something. so i was talking to my best friend & she said that what i said ment that i was gonna breakup with him, which wasnt true. at all. so like i texted him back about 13 minutes later & said "sorry about that. that message was suppost to go to kat [my best friend]. sorry." & he still didnt text back yet. HELP!




  1. he wont break up with you for sayoing that, he may if you keep texting him though.  call him in like an hour or 2 and just see whats up with him. dont be so scared, itll be fine.

    Answer mine please!!;...

  2. You didn't do anything wrong. Next time try and text only one person at a time.

  3. Stop with the text messages because they not working out for you pick up that phone and call him or go to his house and explain to him what happened. Because those 3 words we need to talk send alarm bells to the other one.... Call him, find him, talk to him... As for your friend just say sorry:D big misunderstanding

  4. I did this to my boyfriend and he thaught that i was goin to finish him

    but i wasnt

    i needed to talk to him bout smokin weed n ****...

    he just rang me bout an hour later!

    or maybe more :S


    try ringing him and talkin then or if youu dont want to do it over the phone just ring him and make a time and place to meet!


  5. call him. maybe he just hasnt checked his phone yet. calm down and start dialing

  6. "i need to talk to you." doesn't mean a thing...your best friend is the idiot, but you're not too bright listening to her..  

  7. Your friend is an idiot and reading too much into things. If someone texted me that they needed to talk to me -- and the relationship has been doing well, then why would I necessarily jump to conclusions. And, as far as your boyfriend is concerned, maybe he was busy and couldn't text you right away. Next time you get a chance to actually talk to him (not text him) explain what happened and that you took your friend's stupid advice.

    Then, understand that relationships are ultimately about the two people involved. Sure, other people can give you advice, but you and he need to work on what is really going on. If you start taking advice from everyone else, they bring their experiences to their advice and that doesn't necessarily reflect what is really going on in your relationship.

  8. He just might not have his phone around him. If he broke up with you for something that stupid, then you deserve muchh better. He won't.

  9. just b/c "we need to talk" means we're about to break up 80% of the time doesnt mean that u were goin to. maybe his phone broke, but if not hes wrong for not textin you back...

  10. maybe he just lost his phone and cant text back ir sumink

    dont worry


  12. Take a deep breath and calm down.

    He wouldn't break up with you over a text that might be taken the wrong way.

    His phone could be off, or chances are that he thought you just needed to talk to him.

    Give him some time to pick up the phone.

    If he did breakup with you for doing nothing wrong, (this) then you don't need him.

    Good luck!

  13. you didn't do anything wrong

  14. well ur not an idiot.

  15. hes busy!

  16. his lose,he wants to listen to someone else he already planed on breaking up with you !!!!

  17. well he may be busy

    when you said that he might have thought that you really want to talk  

  18. Break ups just happen. Either you are stupid or not dear. Just stop blaming him or yourself.

  19. Stop worrying!, your friends small comment has got you in such a tizz that your tripping over yourself!.

    Relax, I need to talk to you doesn't always mean lets breakup.

    Does your boyfriend have a sense of humour?, if yes tell him the truth.

    This is no big deal you haven't done anything wrong.

  20. relax, its nuffn. hes probably just busy, us chiks always think the worste. goodluck

  21. rawr just waitt,.

  22. I'm not sure he got the first text message to begin with. Is there a chance he doesn't have his phone on him?

    I doubt he would assume you are going to break up with him from that original text. I think you're just being a girl and over analyzing every little thing. .

  23. DO NOT say you need to talk to him.

    If a girl did this to me the first thing I would think is:

    This is something serious, she may want to break up with me, things may not be going well.

    Say it in a differrent way.

    "Hey can I talk to you for a few min?"

  24. He probably just doesn't have his phone on him right now

    Give it awhile

    If you really need to try calling him in a few hours

  25. call him.  if he doesnt pickup, send him an im or email.  wait a couple hours, then call him again.  i did this with my ex Boyfriend, but he's only my ex cuz I broke up with Him.  please dont worry about it.  if he sees how worried u r, maybe he'll pick up or call u back!

  26. give him time, or call him. sometimes i don't get back to a text for a while. If you're worried, call him or go see him if you can.

  27. maybe he was busy? Your not an idiot for typing the wrong message to the wrong person.  Call him up and talk to him about the situation.

                       Hope this works!    Good Luck!

  28. Yes, he should break up with you because you are an idiot. Think of it in the reserve. How would you feel if he had done the same to you? You should call him and apologize. Then it's up to him. No tears, no begging. Just apologize and don't make this silly mistake ever again.

  29. just give him some time then maybe h**l text bak

    if he doesnt by the end of the day then somthin happnd

  30. You did nothing even near wrong. Saying that might make him worried but doesnt mean at all that your going to break up with him, so already right there your safe. But not only that but you covered it up so you have nothing at all to worry about.

  31. i dont think he'll break up with you becuase of that, he hasn't really got a reason.

    just go see him in person and explain and he should understand, if he doesn't then he's not worth your time.

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