
Im apply for a job were i will be working with children with special needs?

by Guest61581  |  earlier

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and their is a question im a bit stuck on it is what are the requiremants of children with special needs within a teaching enviroment? thanks in advance




  1. It largely depends on what kind of special needs you are talking about but something which I believe applies to all would be repetition and patience on the part of the teacher.  Special needs kids often have a hard time remembering information and the more times they hear it, the better it seems to stick.  Good luck with your application!

  2. You will have to treat the child as an individual. All children with special needs are very different and there needs will vary greatly. They will need extra support depending on their specific needs.

  3. Structure, very clear and simple direction, repetition, individual attention to keep them focused on their assigned task and lots of patience...

    Good luck with the job- Sounds like a rewarding position:)

  4. If you are asking what the children need, they need a differentiated curriculum that takes account of their individual needs and abilities. They need respect and acceptance and access to opportunities, just like their peers.

    If your question was asking what skills do you need, I would suggest tolerance, patience, an understanding of the value of play, a sense of humour, boundless energy and love.

    (and perhaps a spellchecker in your pocket!)

    Good luck.

  5. You may want to take a refresher course in spelling. Teaching special needs children is a lot more demanding than being a regular teacher, not less demanding.

  6. Please take this as the constructive criticism it is meant to be...  The grammar and spelling mistakes in your question exceed reasonable for an educator, even in this blogging environment.  I believe it is best if you pursue working with children, whether they have disabilities or not, outside of the school environment.  In the meantime, go to a teachers' supply store to buy some basic instructional workbooks or enroll in remedial courses so that you might improve your own academic skills.  

    Please also know that substandard academic skills do not at all preclude you from working with children who have special needs.  Perhaps consider staffing a group home or the like.

  7. for them to have a safe productive learning environment

  8. What are the requirements of children with special needs within a teaching environment: I think you should mention what you expect from school management for your children, such as special care, food, etc.

  9. Spelling would probably be up there for a start.

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