
Im applying for a job and I need help with my outfit?

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hi im a 15 year old male who is applying for a job at a sports store. it isnt a chain store and could easily be redone. It does have a huge collection of cards and memorobilia However it is the only sports store where I live and was wondering if plaid shorts (american eagle) and a Fighting Illiani t-shirt (that match very well) were ok to apply for a job in. Thanks in ahead




  1. Your hired.

  2. No.  Wear slacks and a polo shirt or a shirt with a collar.  It doesn't matter what the position is, a potential employer wants to see someone who is going to make a good first impression on customers.  Take the time to get dressed up to show you will put in a few extra minutes to make the good impression.  And dressing up a bit is going to make you stand out from others who go to apply and aren't dressed appropriately.

  3. dont you have to be sixteen to work?

  4. The only improvement you should make is to wear a boilermaker shirt instead.

  5. hey,

    Ya i think those two would be good together,

    or try jeans. Im 14 and i work for a sports store as well,

    and I saw guys wearing jeans and a comfortable t-shirt!

    good luck!!!!


  6. a banana outfit.

  7. i think tht should be fine but your outfit doesnt really matter its if you have a good interview so dont worry bout your outfit that much  

  8. A regular tshirt and a pair of khakis.

  9. Wear some basketball shorts and a jordan shirt with some basketball shoes.

    look the part.

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