
Im asked a girl out and she want to date in her appatement alone??

by  |  earlier

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she want me to bring movies, and popcorn.

so what should i do, and what i should not do?




  1. first of all.........


  2. You should bring movies and popcorn. Duh

  3. errm well, firstly, learn how to spell.

    secondly, take movies and popcorn.

    i think the rest will come naturally u idiot.

  4. First, spell correctly.

    Second, do what she tells you to do. You may get something in return.  

  5. bring movies and popcorn..

    you might score! xD

  6. you should dig her hard

    you should not sleep

  7. Take movies and popcorn, and have a great time.

    If you think there is any chance it may lead to sexual activity, take protection, for both your sakes.......

  8. well it depends how old you are...

    If you are both well into puberty... Go there... bring the movie, popcorn and a few condoms...

    and have fun :)

    if not... just watch a film :)

  9. I hope you're a Boy Scout.

  10. How old is she? 75?

  11. well first of all type better...

    second how old are you?

    third go!

    fourth if your young don't go over board...

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