
Im assistant teaching...?

by  |  earlier

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tomorow i am assistant teaching a preschool class at my babysitters school... how to make things fun... good ideas for a great time?!?! things kids like to do!! thanks




  1. games, reading to them, caring for them e.c.t

  2. You could do some activities with Fall......(ask if they know what this time of year is called (Autumn /Fall)

    talk to the kids about the weather  ie getting cooler ,we  wear warmwer clothes  etc

    Ask if they have seen the leaves FALL   (this will help  them remember its fall)  ask what are the colors ,did they ever jump in a pile of leaves ,        Pretend theres a  pile on the floor ..throw leaves  in the air   Rake them up . ,jump in them .       You could sing 'This is the way we rake the leaves ,rake the leave ,rake the leaves ,etc

    (ideally do it for real outside )

      Have them collect the leaves off the ground or you could really bring in a pile .  They could sort them by color and size (big ,small ).........

    Sing a song   like ...........Leaves are falling on the ground

                                          (using their arms and hands)

    They dont make a single sound.(fingers up  to mouth for shhhhh)..sing that a few times ....

    art activity could be to Make a leaf person . Kids just glue a  leaf to a sheet for the body .. then they draw a head (and legs and arms depending on their skills )

    make it fun  learning.....some of this may help .

    take care

  3. you should try making play-doh,and make sure you are really nice and act caring toward could also ry to make tootsie rolls or play group games like needle and thread

  4. Got a parachute? Little ones love that!

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