
Im at a beach in Cali. with my friend. She's hurt and can't move her back or knee.(wave messed her up surfing)

by  |  earlier

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do i take her to the first aid are they gonna make her feel more comfortable about the situation??? Will they take her to the ER or something???




  1. Everyone should take a first aide course, you never know when you might need it.  Being that it has been 15 hours now since you posted, I assume your friend has already received medical attention.  If not, how come?  

    With any possible back or neck injury you want to immobilize the neck and back.  You will want to treat the victim for shock and send someone for help immediately.

  2. Yes contact the first aid station, the will assess it. If she needs to be taken to the ER, they will know what to do.

  3. yes do whatever u can

  4. Go to the nearest church and pray.

  5. Get the Lifeguard.  He's the closest, trained person for beach injuries.  Next time, take lessons if you're not experienced in the ocean, which it sounds like.

  6. If she has hurt her back You shouldn't move her. Call for help at once. Have them come to her. If the injury is in the spine or neck you could do more damage moving her. Parimedics will emobilize her neck & spine properly. They know how. She needs Er. at once. Wish her luck. Hope she is okay.

  7. Throw her back in the water,  the sharks are hungry.

    After that it sounds like you need to find a hobby, you little lying brat

    Then go find a priest

  8. Well the best option would be to take her directly to a hospital, or get holdof an ambulance. Simply because you dont know the extent of the damge... and you should have it checked out! Elelvte the leg and place ice onto it, but do not try and move her!

  9. hospital....if ur asking this question online I assume u have a cell phone

  10. depends how bad she is if she is really bad take her to the ER if she's not that bad just take her 2 the hospital and take care of her and be there 4 her when she needs you or when she needs somthing but mostly be nice and dont get her worked up

  11. What is your point?

    Do you people really think this is for real. OMG... you are going to stop and say d**n, let me get my cell out and log on to answers and see just what I should do... GET REAL!

  12. 911 NOW!!!

  13. Don't move her. You might injure her worse. Find someone to go for help while you stay with her. Yes, the ER is the next stop.

  14. Call A para metic

  15. i think by now u have made your move and hopefully it was the right one and your friends ok

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