
Im me!?

by  |  earlier

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Im goin 2 spain at the end of june with my uncle and aunt to babysit(fulltime), they r payin 4 everythin 4 me, the kids r pretty well bhaved but they r bound 2 get bored any ideas 2 keep them occupied? ( there will be two 1 year olds a four year old a seven and an eight year old) P.s. im thirteen so drivin n e where...i cant do!!!!




  1. Sure, bring some English books and learn how to write.

    Writing questions on YA! is not like writing to your friends.  When writing to friends, your style can be informal, using "2" instead of to.   However when putting out a general query on the internet, you need to write formally.

    This will be in keeping with the place you are visiting.  In Spain there are two ways of speaking.  "Tu" which is you in an informal tone, and "Ustedes" which is you in a formal tone.

    Along with those English books, it would be a great time to learn Spanish as well.  

    To keep the kids occupied while you are studying how to read and write, have the kids write books as well.  The older one can make up the stories, the younger one can draw pictures.  

    (have the younger one draw first.... so you don't end up with fights)

  2. OMG I'm more concerned with YOU than I am with the kids being bored!

    Sweetie that's WAY too many kids for you --even if the pay is GREAT.. it's not worth it.. I'm sorry but what do your parents think about this situation?

    And why do your aunt/uncle think it's a good idea?

  3. Find the closest playground and take them there.  When the weather's bad, just use your imagination to fill in the time, kids that age have more fun with pots, pans and boxes than toys.  Good luck!

  4. hey they're are lots of things to do..park/theme park/take dog 4 a walk...anything ull think about it later..ask them wat they want maybe they have better ideas..!

  5. You're 13? Wow. That's young to be babysitting for so long for that many kids...

    Anyway. I suggest if there is a playground, take them there. You can make it special by packing a lunch, or taking them to ice cream after (if it's in walking distance)

    There may be other things offered nearby for kids to do that's in walking distance. It all depends where you are going. I'd hope you have a stroller available and you can probably enlist the help of the 7 and 8 year old for some simple tasks (such has holding the four year old's hand when crossing a street, getting supplies for you, etc)

    For inside activities for the littler ones...Playdough is a classic. As is shaving cream (give them each a dollop and let them spread it around on a placemat or table) . Books are good, playing hide and go seek, and other games. Coloring, reading books, etc are other ideas. Will they be taking toys with them?

    You can make Playdough last longer by first introducing the Playdough and what to do with it (squish it, roll it, etc). Watch the one year olds...they may be too young for it (unless they're closer to 2). Then after a few minutes with that you could introduce tools such as a rolling pin, etc. I've made Playdough last 15 minutes with 2 year olds this way. It helps if you stay actively involved with them too, if you get up and walk away, they will get bored and want to follow you.

    If the younger ones nap you could do special activities with the older ones that they otherwise couldn't do. Such has toys with smaller parts, and so forth.

    You could also do some cooking with them, but I don't know if those resources would be available to you. If so, plastic knives for the 4, 7, and 8 year old to cut things not real ones. And you handle anything that may be hot. Easy ideas are bagel pizzas, nachos, fruit salad, etc.

    Make sure you get permission from the parents before taking them anywhere or doing activities that may cause a large mess (such as the shaving cream). Keep in constant communication with the parents too.

    Hope this helps, and have fun in Spain! :)

  6. Some travel board games for the 7 and 8 year old when they twins are having a nap.  You should probably have a pool so will be able to play in that with them but make sure your aunt and uncle are helping you supervise here.  You could set up races in the pool.  If you are by a beach then you will be able to make sandcastles and play in the sand with all the children burying feet etc.

    Get books to read to them for quiet time, this is important for the older ones as they may be having later nights on holiday and will benefit from the quiet time with you to rest.

    Colouring books and paper and pens are good, the older ones will be able to pay hangman, noughts and crosses, scribble games where someone scribbles and another has to make a picture out of the scribble.

    You can also play things like I spy with the older children and memory games like 'when I went shopping I apple...a pair of trainers' and you go around adding more things on to your shopping list, taking turns until someone can't remember them all in order and is out.  

    If you are travelling in a car (whether that is to the airport or a hire car over there) you can play games like seeing who can be the first to see '5' (or whatever number) red cars.

    With the twins then you will playing peekaboo and singing nursery rhymes etc and holding them to give their parents a break.

    Good luck you should have loads of fun.

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