
Im babysitting a kid from 7am-5pm for the next two weeks. help!?

by Guest56575  |  earlier

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I'm babysitting my little cousin for the next two weeks. I didn't ask to do it nor was I given a choice and I need to finish my summer work for school and keep the house clean *do the dishes, pick up messes, and sweep the house everyday*, taking care of my animals *feeding and walking my dogs, clening the cat litter and feeding the cats, and walking and taking care of my sister's wild dog who can't be taken care of at the same time of the other dogs* along with a billion other things. She is 5 years old and wants to be entertained constantly, watching movies and playing video games won't suffice.

All she actually wants to do is go outside *in the 95 degree heat* or swim.

She doesn't listen to me when i tell her to stop doing something and when she finally does listen she starts "crying" about how mean I am. I want to keep her entertained, but I am too busy to do things with her constantly. Any suggestions about what to do?




  1. find her favorite movie and have her watch that while you do what you have 2 do or have her be your 'special helper' and help you with everything

  2. Huh- That's difficult. Well, I'll go down the list,I guess. To finish your summer work- tell the girl that "We are taking a half hour break after lunch every day. During that time you can read a book, or watch a movie. I have some things I need to do. But no talking during that time. It's like a big kid nap." If she throws a fit, tell her "We can make it a little kid nap, if you want. You can lay in your bed for half an hour, if that's what you want to do." That gives you a slice of time to get some work done.  

    As for the keeping the house clean, she can pick up any messes she makes. Clean up after each activity, and don't move onto another until it's done. If you can eat lunch while she is doing a craft or something, while she is eating you can do the dishes. As for sweeping the house, try to get that done whenever you can.

    She can help feed the animals. Take the dogs and her on a nice, long, exhausting walk. Then while she is 'resting after the nice long walk we just had' you can clean the cat litter and feed the other dog.

    Constant entertainment is not needed. Have a rough schedule every day, and try to stick to it. Plan in breaks, and make her take them. She is five, and old enough to entertain herself for half an hour. Do take her outside for short periods of time with sunblock, and take her swimming if you can. Try to exhaust her in the morning so she is more likely to just chill all afternoon.

    For not listening, you need to be firm. If she doesn't listen the first time, tell her "I need you to listen to me or you will go into a timeout on (whatever you choose- the stairs, the corner, a chair, the middle of the room- not her room!) for 5 minutes. Listen to me, (her name here.)" If she continues to not listen, pick her up, and set her on the naughty place, where ever that may be. Leave her there for 5 minutes, with a timer going that she can hear ding. If she leaves, place her back on the naughty place without saying anything and restart the timer. When she is done, remind her why she was in the naughty place and make her apologize. If she cries about how mean you are, tell her if she is that unhappy, you could just sit for the rest of the day without activities, so you don't have a chance to be mean to her.

    Have some things on hand you can give to her that will entertain her, if possible.

  3. try letting her help you with the chores. make it fun for her to clean up and help with the pets.rewards for listening work too.

  4. you need to be firm with her when necessary like when she is doing something wrong, and you should explain to her why she shouldn't be doing it, like she might hurt herself etc,

    when you are trying to do things like work or feeding animals etc and she wants to be entertained, set her up doing activities like art and craft, reading, etc and kep checking on her. if she wants you to stay while doing these activities ask her to make you a surprise and you will be back if a few minutes to have a look, etc. you could try getting her to help with the things to do with the animals like feeding them, she might enjoy it.

    hope i helped  : )

  5. I would suggest you lay down the law with your 5 year old cousin immediately.  She can help you walk the pets and feed the pets outside and that can be her outside time.  She will earn her movies, activities, etc.  She can help feed the pets, picking up messes, and whatever she is able to do.  She also gets a nap time which means you get some peace and quiet for about 40 minutes.  It's not her world, she just gets to live in it.  You may want to take her to the library, give her some coloring to do or what YOU want her to do besides watch tv or movies.  When she starts crying, tell her she can cry but she has to go into a corner alone and do that.  DO NOT LEAVE HER ALONE  when she has a hissy fit.  You can decide to either agree with her that you are mean, or let her know that you "do not roll" like that.  You don't need to keep her entertained.  Your job is to keep her safe while she is with you, and her mind occupied.  Sit down sometime today and plan her activities so that both of you has some structure and order during the day.  Offer her rewards and punishments.  It may be something new for her, but the good thing is she is not your child, she is only with you for two weeks and now YOU know that you don't want to have any children before you are able to invest time, energy and money in caring for them.  

    Personally, I think you family has dumped quite a big responsibility on you.  Why do you have take care of your sister's wild dog?  Are you getting paid to care for your cousin?  You may want to chat with your cousin's mom and dad and ask them to remind their child that she has to behave and make nice while she is with you.  Remember, you don't have to "entertain" this little girl.  Child care professionals never do that.

  6. Her  parents   should  have  had  a  sit  down  talk  with  all  of   you  and  explained  to  her  that   You  are  going  to  be  her   grown-up   caretaker  for  the  next  2  weeks  and  she   needs  to  help  you  out .

    If  they  failed  to  do  that ,  you  explain  it  to  her ,

    Then  re-enforce  it  with  fun  chores .  

    She  probably  does  have  a  favorite  movie  like  

    Never Ending Story ( or  would  if  she  saw  it ) ,

    so   use   That  as  the  reward  for  good  behavior .

    NEVER   use  the  reward  until   the  good  behavior  has  happened .

    If   they  already  have  the  entertainment ,  there  is  NO  reason  to  behave .

    They  need  the  goal .

    Good  Luck ,   you  have  my  prayers .  


  7. Try to get things done before and after you babysit, that way you won't have as much to do while you babysit. Maybe ask your cousin to help you feed the cats and dogs. Make it fun, like a game. Take her with you when you walk the dogs. Let her walk a small or calm dog while you walk the others. When she is doing something you don't want her to do, kindly say Maddie (I'm just making up a name) please stop doing that. If that doesn't work say, "Maddie, I asked you to stop doing that. If I have to tell you again we aren't going to the park (or something else fun that you two do)

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