
Im been stalked by a train spotter what should I do ?

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Im been stalked by a train spotter what should I do ?




  1. Tell him to do like you do, use your han solo.

  2. Confiscate hie anorak, he'll feel naked without it and run away.

  3. Keep off the Pullman.

  4. Could you not just wait until a train comes along? Sure, he'll lose interest in you then then!

  5. thump him and choo choo him away

  6. stop dressing  up like a train

  7. Play him at his own game. Strike up a conversation by admiring his anorak and asking if it has detachable lining, then ask about the filling in his sandwiches and did his mum make them last night and put them in the fridge, or did she get up early and make them fresh this morning. Discuss the merits of 4-snap sandwich boxes and ask if they are better than Tupperware boxes. Every time a train appears stand between it and him so he can't see the number and continue the questions. Mention the fact that your wife/girlfriend/both likes you to shunt in her tunnel. Before long he'll think you're a nutter and will be desperate to get away from you.

  8. Arrange to meet him at an exact time and place.  Then take all his money and show up two hours late in a different place altogther.

  9. Smile!

  10. Blow the whistle on him

  11. push him under a train lol

  12. Pull into a siding

  13. CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  14. put him on the right track

  15. with a name like that, it maybe you other that was tuff....

  16. phone the British Transport Police

  17. Be afraid, be very afraid, change the locks on your car, house and work, move to a differnt continent, etc, etc.

  18. Make sure you don't go off the rails. If he's not signalling you he could just be a sleeper. And don't forget to wear platform shoes. Don't worry, he'll soon run out of steam.

  19. find out what he would like to know and tell him to get on his way before you call the rail dogs

  20. Tell him you like 142s.

  21. What ever you do, just make sure you don't get caught by the RR police and be charged with trespassing.

  22. scatter leaves behind you as you walk, he might have to delay his stalking until further notice

  23. the worst type of stalker ever ...the are all k***s

    buy  him a new flask  and a notebook and you wont see him for dust as he will be trying to score more trains ...

  24. take the bus?

  25. Are you Thomas the Tank Engine?

  26. your being stalked by someone who collects trains for a living? thats kind of weird.. Or do you have a different definition of a train spotter? If so you better reword your question, because the definition of train spotter is one who's hobby is to collects trains.

  27. Carry a tartan thermos. They very rarely pester their own kind and this will throw him off the scent.

  28. well, if you suspect he has crazy intentions (ie. loco motives) tell him to keep his eyes off your caboose!!

  29. Run away with his binoculars and notebook.

  30. I see by your Avatar that you represent the male of the species.

    Female train spotters are pretty rare, so I'm guessing your admirer is also the male of the species.

    Could it be that your g*y lifestyle has caught up with you?  Try traveling with a lady friend.  Once he sees there is no chance for him, he'll like as not to find someone else to admire.

  31. ring the police

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