
Im big into snowboarding and i really want to be able to do a 360. and good suggestions or tips?

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off a regular jump like one you would see in a park.




  1. Get good at 180's first. Spin off your toe side or heelside edge depending on if your planning on doing frontside or backside. Keep low when your approaching the jump and counter rotate (wind up the opposite way you want to spin) then when you leave the lip turn your head over your shoulder in the direction you want to spin, when you turn your head the rest of your body follows and make sure your spinning fast enough to make it all the way around. When you want to stop spinning look straight and stomp out the landing. Once you have your 180's down good just think of a 360 as an extra 180. Keep your shoulders level too or you'll end up inverted and thats not good. Make sure you get enough pop off the jump too if its a smaller one because you want to make sure you get the full spin around.

  2. It's really tough for you to get a full understanding of how to spin a 360 from just reading an explanation so take a look at this link.  It's Jussi Oskanan, who is an amazing rider, in a video by Mack Dawg Productions called "Jumping With Jussi."  I highly reccomened you look into buying the full dvd because it could really help you out with your spins.

    The frontside 360 is probably my favorite trick. It's a lot of fun once you get it down.

    Good luck!!

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