
Im black, if I go to France to live, will I find a French girlfriend

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Well when I turn like 22, I want to move to France, and start a life there, and I just wanted to know, will I be able to find a girlfriend if I moved there




  1. Yeah it's possible.

    You can find love anywhere.


    Good luck!


  2. Yes. If this is a racial problem, many Africans have moved to France. The had children with French men, and the children had les African features and had a French accent. So there are black women in France. Otherwise, I don't know.  

  3. If you mean a white French girl, multi-ethnic couples are quite common in the big cities where most of the  population of African descent (north Africa as well as the rest of the continent or from Antilles) is gathered, living where they parents settled a generation or two ago. If you mean a  black French girl, there's plenty of them too. Many are from the Antilles (French overseas department).

  4. um idk i sugjest seeing a therapist because you are twisted

  5. umm, i really don't think that should matter (ethnicity)

  6. Of course!

    thats just racist

  7. Why would anyone want to voluntarily move to France?

  8. I'm sure you will. Good luck!!

  9. u will be able to find a g/f anywhere. what you look like doesnt matter

  10. of course brother.why do u feel unsure of ur self bcuz ur black.its ust a color if they dont like it 2 bad u have many more 2 offer ur black!omg so what?! ur not white?so what?get out there man and dont doubt ull find!gud luk brotha

  11. being black dose not come into it

  12. why not? go for it.

  13. Of course.  Why wouldn't you be able to find a girlfriend?

    If you mean that you want a white girlfriend, you can find that, too.  France has no tradition of racism against blacks, and in previous decades American blacks moving to France often enjoyed the fact that there were no prejudices against them.  Today, French people associate being black with being an African immigrant, and they are somewhat xenophobic and don't like immigrants from Third World countries, but if they know you are from, say, the United States, they won't care if you are black.

    If you mean that you want a black girlfriend specifically, that should be easy enough, as there are plenty of black women in France.  Most of them are more or less directly descended from African immigrants, however, which means that they come from a culture that is dramatically different from that of American blacks or blacks from other Western countries.  You may find that the cultural differences between African black women who have immigrated to France (or their direct descendents) and yourself are larger than the cultural differences between white French women (who have essentially a Western European background) and yourself.

    In any case, it's very difficult to emigrate to French, so you'll need a visa, a job, and lots of paperwork.  The best way is to get a job with a multinational corporation that is willing to transfer you there, but that in itself can be quite difficult to manage.

  14. Lol, you're a funny f*cker.  There are no males or females in France mate.  They're all hermaphrodites that spend all day eating cheese and saying things like 'Ooh la la, pass the cheese' and 'this wine tastes like the spit of a camel.'

    No one there farts but yet they all smell really bad and everyone is either called Pepe or Monique.  

  15. omg how could you say that! just because you are black does NOT mean you won't find a girlfriend!! you'd have just as much chance as any other guy!!

  16. yes! she will be Muslim and you will live happily ever after, waiting for the state to fulfill your evey single need....enjoy your socialism / conversion experience.

  17. Yeah...there are black french people if that's your concern

  18. sure. There are a lot of Black French girls.

  19. Yeah, if you try.

  20. yea...i guess you culd find one there

  21. wat's black got to do with it?

    Yes, you will find a french girlfriend in France, unless you are completely disgusting.

  22. what does you being black have to do with finding a french girlfriend?

  23. black guys are very popular in Germany, I imagine any American man would be great in F too. I think it is in your favor that you're black. These are people who respect American history (we inspired their revolution). And many  will respect the history of African Americans specifically. Most will feel akin  because their ancestors were endentured to a ruthless elite class who treated them as slaves. so +++++ all aces.

    The French are a nation of mostly intellectuals, so you will find a lot of people who want to talk to you about your life too. They will have expectations for you. An excellent ability in French and a firm grasp on their history, will be to your favor. many of them will have mega tudes with you if you don't have these two important qualities.

  24. Uh yes. There are` different races in france too. Duh!

  25. yeah if shes american (maybe) or if shes not racist.


  26. i dont care

  27. why wouldnt you get a girlfriend you can find a girlfriend anywhere you move to. you just gotta play your cards right and use that game you got.

  28. maybe

  29. haha idk you can find love anywhere probably just act yourself and you might

  30. If it is meant to be, then the answer is to your question is yes! There are plenty of women in France just practice your french!!!  But you are only young so why not tour the country first before settling down?!? I settled young and wish I had travelled....

  31. probably

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