
Im bleeding out my bottem?

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please i want good answers, ima little 19 yr old and i felt a little tare while taking a bowel movment which usualy happens, but i only spot. this time there was alot of blood. i know its gross but i looked in the toilet and there was blood in there to. i did hold IT in for awhile. it dont hurt, well i tiny bit when i tence, i cant really feel it tho . please help




  1. ok a) u have hemorrhoid's or b) which is what i had and that is constipation so the poo has gotten a little bit too hard inside and scrapped some skin on the way out...either way nothing to worry about!

  2. Either you have torn the skin around your a**s, or alternatively feel around the rim and if you can feel what feels like tiny flaps of skin you haev piles.  Very common and easily treated.  IF you have torn the skin around your a**s, just be sure to keep the area very clean and it will heal fairly quickly.  If it goes on for longer than a doy or so make an appointment and go show the doc your botty! In the normal course of events it's nothing too serious, but keep an eye on it - go to the pharmacyand get some pyle cream.

  3. its nothing its only because u ate too little veggies or fruit and that day is a dry weather day so when u pooped the p**p is too dry so it just made a little scratch on the end of your intestines, just make sure you eat more veggies and fruit and things that contain fibre in it, relax, nothing will happen and you will be ok my little brother had it once and there was so much blood but nothing happened to him, no horrible things, just blood. its ok just relax you'll be fine.

  4. go to a doctor they know best, but i did strain to much one day and had a little tear that has healed fine now.

    You need to drink more water to loosen your stools and dont push as it may one day cause bowl cancer.

    take a book, relax and let it fall out naturally lol but the truth

  5. It sounds like an anal fissure.  Please go see your doctor.

    I was diagnosed with them and this is what I learned.  When you're constipated or just not eating enough fruits and veggies, your bowel movement can get too hard, dry and big.  So it does tear your anal opening when it comes out.  Over time those tears can get deep and bleed more like what you're describing.

    My doctor told me to eat a ton more fruits and vegetables, asked me to take a half-dose of Miralax for a few weeks, and use some prescription ointments until it healed.

    But, anal bleeding is never anything to mess around with.  Go see your doctor ASAP.  It could be a sign of colon cancer or something much more serious.

  6. You can't even spell bottom. Or anything for that matter, I seriously doubt you're 19  but, alright...

    Go to a doctor seriously.. :]

  7. ask doctor

  8. Don't worry, it will heal in a day or two.God Bless

  9. Its happens, its nothing to worry about but if you are worried call up your GP/Doctor and ask for advice

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